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Yoongi's POV

I couldn't concentrate on anything right now, but this beautiful man underneath me. This beautiful man with his plump pink lips, his adorable eye smile, and his sweet laugh I could die a thousand times listening too. All I could focus on was him. Even if he was sleeping at the moment I couldn't help myself but to touch him. It's been so hard to control myself around him lately, especially since I found the things he wears to bed. I was cleaning our apartment for once, and I decided to clean Jimin's room as well. What I found surprised the hell out of me.

He had a box under his bed full of panties, gowns, and other sexy night wear I was not prepared for. I didn't think it was his until one night I was going to the bathroom, and Jimin's door was slightly opened. I didn't think much of it until I heard small whimpers and moans coming from his room. I don't know why I went into his room that night, but I was curious about him? I slowly made my way to his door and pushed it open gently only to stop breathing completely. "J-Jimin?" I asked him so quietly I didn't think he heard me. He was tossing and turning all over his bed, but I noticed something in the dark. He was wearing some on the panties I found under his bed. My mouth went dry but watered at the same time watching him.

He was sweating so badly I thought he might have had a fever. I finally snapped out of it and ran to his bathroom to get a wet towel. I came back and almost choked on my saliva. Jimin was now rubbing himself and moanig even louder than before. "Is he having a wet dream?" I thought. I slowly walked up to him and tried to wake him."J-Jimin," I shook his arm, but he didn't even budge, not even a little bit. He was sweating even more as he actually took out his member right in front of me. I know I should have left his room and pretended like I've never seen what he was doing, but something in me made me stay. I don't know what came over me, but I slowly pulled his hand away from his throbbing and already red member.

He started to whine when I made him stop touching himself, and I swear I could have came in my sweat pants right then and there. What the hell is wrong with me? I shouldn't be here. I shouldn't be watching him play with himself like this, I shouldn't have found that box of his, and I damn sure shouldn't have touched him and did the things I did to his body while he slept. It was small at first. I just helped him get off, but then I needed more. I NEEDED to touch him, I NEEDED to kiss his lips, and I NEEDED to take his beautiful body.

Sorry it's so short, but hopefully I can make the chapters longer for you guys. Please vote and comment so I can know what to write for you guys, and make sure I'm writing something you like. Thanks again everyone.  

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