Not Again

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Jimin's POV

I could feel something heavy on top of my body, as well as a comforting warmth. It was so comfortable I didn't want to wake up, but I had no choice since I had classes in a few hours. The sun in my closed eyes wasn't exactly helping at all either. I turned over snuggling into the warmth next to me. My body also felt so light. I wasn't as tired as I usually am at night. I had so much energy, but I didn't want to get up ever.

"Hmm stop moving baby. Let's rest some more ok?" After hearing that voice I snapped my eyes open jumping back a little from Yoongi. Oh yeah I slept in the same bed as Yoongi. He sat up next to me rubbing the sleep from his eyes, but his eyes looked swollen and red. Did something happen while I was asleep? He looks horrible, and he looks like he's been crying.

"Yoongi are you ok?" He faced away from me, and I won't lie it kinda hurt a little. Did I do something wrong?

"Y-Yeah I'm fine. Just a little tired, don't worry about it ok?"  I scooted a little closer to him touching his shoulder, making him flinched from the touch. I pulled my hand back away from him, my heart clenching a little. 

"O-Oh ok. I t-think I should g-go now." I couldn't face him anymore, but I was scared to ask if I did something wrong as well. I was about to get off the bed, thinking I need a shower, and need to get ready for school, but Yoongi pulled me back, hugging me from behind.

"I'm sorry baby boy. I'm just not a morning person that's all. I didn't mean to take it out on you." He started to kiss my neck, making me shiver in his arms. I didn't want to ask, and I regretted it after the words left my mouth.

"Are you really ok? Your eyes are red and swollen." He sighed and let me go, causing me to pout a little.

"Really baby it's nothing. Just tired from work." I just nodded not wanting to push anymore. There was a knock on the door, scaring us both.

"It's Jin. Are you two decent?" I blushed hard looking away from Yoongi as he smirked at me.

"Not yet Jin hyung. Jimin has to find his clothes. They're all over the place."

"HYUNG!!" I blushed harder running to open the room door, Jin hyung jumping a little. "He's l-lying hyung. I had m-my clothes the w-whole time." My bottom lip jutted out wobbling as tears were about to fill my eyes. Jin hyung smiled petting my hair gently. 

"It's ok Jimin." I smiled as he believed me. "Everyone has sex on the first night sometimes." My smiled instantly fell. I covered my face in my sweater paws, Yoongi's sweater being too big for me. 

"HYUNG!! Stop it...." Jin hyung chuckled hugging me as my face was still buried in my sweater paws. 

"I'm just joking mochi. I know you were a good boy." Jin glared at Yoongi hyung as he was about to walk past. "I don't know about you though." Yoongi just rolled his eyes, and walked out the room laughing towards the bathroom. I watched him until the bathroom door closed. I sighed looking up at Jin hyung's smirking face.


"You really do like him don't you?" I pushed out of his arms heading to my room so I can get ready for school.


The first few classes were boring not keeping my attention at all. All I could think about is Yoongi hyung. Something was wrong with him, he wasn't his normal self today. I want to ask him about it until he tells me what was wrong, but I can't do that. I sighed as I walked to my favorite class in the entire school. The dance studio. I could always lose myself in my dancing and all my worries would just melt and disappear. I was still lost in my thoughts that I didn't even know someone was calling my name until they yelled in my face.

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