Just Maybe

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Jimin's POV

"JIMIN!! Are you listening to me?!?"

"Sorry hyung. What were you saying?" I rubbed the back of my neck embarrassed. I was suppose to be working right now, but here I was day dreaming about a certain blue haired boy that made my heart race like crazy.

"Really Jimin? You've been spacing out all day, and I need you to focus. I know it's a slow day, but I really need you to learn everything before I can put you on the busy schedule." I could hear the worry in Jin hyungs voice, making me feel bad for not paying attention. Even Felix and Tae were listening, trying to learn all they can about the job.

"I'm really sorry hyung. I'll pay attention right now, I promise." Jin hyung smiled, but then it turned mischievous all of a sudden. 

"I'll forgive you, only if you tell me who that rose came from." I glanced behind me to admire the small rose in the tiny vase on the counter, causing me to blush at the happenings earlier in the day. I guess Jin hyung caught my blush because his smile grew studying my face like crazy. 

"Was it Yoongi?" 


"Oh Jimin I'm so happy for you!!" I was taken back when I felt the air leave my body from hyungs strong back crushing hug. I started to glance around and the little bit of customers that were in the restaurant were staring at us like we were crazy. "Hyung let go, people are watching us." I whispered softly to him.

"To hell with that, you have to tell me everything Mochi." Why was he so excited about this? It's not a big deal. I don't think Yoongi hyung actually likes someone like me anyway. I'm not really that good looking, I'm mostly quiet, and people freak me out all the time.

"Stop that." 

"Huh?" I looked at my hyung confused. 

"What are you talking about?"

"Your making that face again when you start to doubt yourself. Stop it. I know you think Yoongi might not like you, but he does."

I looked at hyung with hopeful eyes. "H-He said that?"

All of a sudden he smirked at me. "No, but you just did." I didn't know what he meant until realization hit me. "N-No hyung it's not what y-you think." I wave my hands frantically starting to panic.

"It's ok I knew it was him anyway. Joonie tells me every once in awhile about Yoongi spacing out while they're at work. He said Yoongi acts like he's not distracted about something, but he totally is. And I think," He pointed right at my face a happy smile plastered all over his features, "It has to do with you."

I pushed his hand away walking back behind the counter to finish cleaning a little. "I don't think so hyung. He has better choices he can choose from."

"Trust me sweetheart, you are the better choice for him, but I will say be careful though." 

"What do you mean?"

"Word around this little place is Yoongi is a little bit of a player. He's never had a serious relationship since he moved to Seoul. He only has fun, and them dumps them back out on the street where they came from." I stopped cleaning for second to listen to my hyung fully. Yoongi hyung wasn't really like that right? He seemed so different today, so sweet and gentle when we hung out.

"Aren't those just rumors though? Maybe someone got jealous and just started it out of anger" I shrugged like it didn't bother me, but for some reason it did.

"I thought that as well, but Joonie confirmed it for me. He said he's known Yoongi all his life, and when they both moved to Seoul years ago, all Yoongi has done is fool around. I feel like there's more to the story, but Joonie said it's not his story to tell."

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