Epilogue (Part 1) (M)

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Third Person's POV

Jimin stood in front of the grave holding his son, as the tears rolled down his face. Jimin cried into Jin's arms as his friends surrounded him, trying to comfort him as the funeral service continued. The man held the bible quoting verse after verse for the departed soul who left this world, and made it's way home to the sky above.

"I didn't e-even get to say s-sorry or thank y-you." Jin hugged Jimin closer trying to comfort his friend like he always have, but he knew this time would be a little harder now. There was no easy way to comfort or heal a broken heart after losing a loved one. Everyone continued the service, saying their goodbyes as the body was lowered into the ground. Once buried, everyone paid their respects to the deceased and left Jimin and his son to say their goodbyes alone.

Yoongi walked up to Jimin, bending down with him to also pay his respects, holding his fiancee in his arms. Jimin smiled the best he could as he snuggled close to Yoongi. It's been a couple months since the incident with Sunmi, Leeteuk, and Yoongi's family. After the police brought everyone in for questioning, Leeteuk's body was buried with some of his own family, Sunmi was charged with blackmailing, kidnapping, as well as an accomplice for everything that happened to Jimin. Yoongi's parents were slowly starting to accept Yoongi and Jimin's relationship as well as their baby. Yoongi was still in training to become a business man, but he was only training to fulfill his dream with music.

Yoongi placed the flowers he bought on the grave of Jimin's mother, sending her off with a small prayer.

"I promise I'll always love your son, and I'll always protect him no matter what." Jimin smiled, kissed Yoongi, their son giggling in his arms.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner mom. Thank you for protecting me when I didn't know you did. I never got to tell you as much but.....I love you." Jimin placed his own flowers on his mother's grave.

"You never told me why she was in jail pretty boy. I'm not rushing you or you don't have to tell me, but I just want to know everything, no more secrets ok?" Even though he didn't want to remember, he knew he couldn't just forget what his mother did. Jimin's mother was in jail for killing his father, and Jimin knew she did it for him.

"Mom killed dad trying to protect me. Dad drunk a lot after losing his job, and mom would do everything to protect me. They found out about my disorder when I was around 13 years old. Mom and dad fought a lot so of course they didn't have...you know. Dad he....he took advantage of my disorder when I didn't even know. Mom knew and did what she had too once they fought about it. Dad didn't want to stop so mom.....you know." Yoongi was confused for awhile, but he put 2 and 2 together. He hugged Jimin close.

"I'm so sorry pretty boy. I shouldn't have asked." Jimin shook his head, wiping his tears.

"I needed to get it off my chest. It was a horrible childhood for awhile, but I think it turned out for the better. I have awesome friends, I have Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung, I got to meet you, I have a very adorable son, I'm going back to school soon, and we." Jimin kissed Yoongi. "Are going to be married any day now." Yoongi chuckled.

"Sorry to make you wait so long pretty boy, but I promise to give you the biggest, most beautiful wedding you deserve." Jimin blushed at the thought of their wedding.

"C-Can I wear a dress?" Yoongi drooled at the thought of Jimin in a beautiful white wedding dress, walking down the idle to become truly his, and then on the honeymoon Yoongi would take Jimin all night until he screamed out-

"Yoonie!! Stop thinking dirty in front of mom!!" Jimin turned even more red feeling Yoongi's hard dick between his ass, as he sat on his lap. Yoongi cleared his throat.

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