Hurt Feelings

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Third Person's POV

Jimin woke up to a blinding white light. He squinted his eyes and looked around to notice he was in a hospital. He tried to sit up, but winced in pain, laying back down in the hospital bed. He was about to adjust his bed to at least sit up a little, when he felt a hand on top of his. He glanced to his left to see Jin soundly sleeping next to his lap. He had to squint to even recognize that it was Jin with half his face being bandaged up. 

He looked around the room more, and noticed a pot of beautiful red roses sitting next to his bed, along with his teddy bear Yoongi gave him at the amusement park. He picked the bear up, smiling gently while he held it. Where was Yoongi anyway?

"Mochi, you're awake." Jin hugged Jimin gently, trying his hardest not to hurt the smaller boy as his tears begin to fall from happiness. Jimin couldn't help but to hug his hyung back gently, happy to see him again.

"This isn't a dream hyung? I'm really here with you?" Jin cried harder, his heart cracking even more from Jimin's words. He was just so happy Jimin was safe in his arms once more. He pulled back to look the younger boy in the eyes, smiling his bright and happy smile Jimin loved so much.

"You're here mochi. You're back home with me." Jimin's own tears started to fall, and his eyes disappeared as he smiled from pure joy to be back home from that horrible nightmare. The two brothers hugged for what seemed like forever, until their tears finally stopped flowing down. They looked at each other and laughed. 

"Here." Jin pulled out a tissue from the tissue box that was placed next to the roses, to wipe Jimin's nose.

"Hyuuung. I'm not a kid anymore. I can wipe my own nose." Jimin whined and pouted cutely. Jin just chuckled and pinched Jimin's cheeks gently.

"Of course you are. That's why you're whining like one." Jin laughed at Jimin as he pouted even more. His cheeks puffed out, and his face was a little red with embarrassment. Suddenly Taehyung busted through the door a crying mess as he dramatically fell onto Jimin's hospital bed. 

"Oh my goodness. I was so worried about you hyung. Thank God you're ok." Jimin giggled at Taehyung's adorableness, and stroked his hair as he cried. Jungkook ran in panting behind Tae to see his boyfriend crying for their hyung.

"I'm sorry hyung. I tried to stop him." Jimin just smiled as he continued to stroke a crying Taehyung's hair.

"It's ok Kookie. I'm actually really happy to see you guys, and thank you for worrying about me."

"Of course w-we were w-worried about you, y-you idiot." Jungkook came to grab Taehyung, pulling him away from Jimin, just to cradle him in his lap in the hospital chair in the corner. One of Jimin's nurses walked in to check on him, but soon realized he was awake.

"Oh good, you're finally awake." Jimin looked at the nurse confused.

"What do you mean finally?" Jin spoke up filling Jimin in on what she meant. Apparently Jimin has been asleep for a full week. His body needed to heal because of all the damage it had taken. Not to mention the drugs that was forced into his system through his nightmare. Jimin just couldn't believe it. Something else popped into his head.

"Jin hyung? Where......where is Yoongi?" Jin smiled as he saw the small blush dust across Jimin's adorable chubby cheeks.

"We'll talk after your check up ok?" Jimin just nodded and let the nurse do her job. She checked his vitals, made sure his heart rate was regular, and made sure his wounds were healing properly. All looked good as she wrote on her clipboard of notes. Once she was done, she let Jimin know she'll check when he can leave the hospital since his body was much better and healthier since he's been here. Jimin couldn't take it, asking Jin once more where Yoongi was, and why wasn't he here with Jimin.

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