First Night (Slight M)

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Third Person's POV

"Holy shit guys."

Everyone in the room were completely shocked. Of course they knew Yoongi and Jimin were infatuated with each other, but the kiss they just gave to each other were way beyond what everyone thought. Jimin and Yoongi were still staring at each other, gasping for air. Their face was a flushed pink, lips a swollen red, hair sticking out in every direction, hearts beating like crazy. Jimin finally realized the tension in the room, and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Yoongi didn't know what to do, or what to say. Even he was embarrassed after the kiss, their friends staring at him in disbelief. Jin patted Yoongi on the back, pushing him towards the bathroom. 

"Go comfort him, he needs it. I'll deal with the idiots here."

"But hyung was that-" Jin nodded whispering to Yoongi so no one else could here. "That was his first real kiss. He might be hurt or just in shock right now, but I'm sure your the only one who can comfort him right now." Yoongi nodded, leaving the others to Jin as he went to find Jimin. Jin suggested they play a different game while Jimin and Yoongi were gone. He didn't want Jimin to come back to the game just in case he was hurt. 

Yoongi was about to knock on the bathroom door when he heard small sniffles on the other side. For some reason his heart clenched painfully in his chest hearing the small boy cry on the other side of the door. He knocked gently on the door as to not scared him before speaking. 

"Jimin? Can you open the door please?" He heard more sniffling before Jimin spoke.

"I'm f-fine hyung. I'll be o-out in a second ok?" Jimin wasn't a very good liar.

"Jimin you're not fine. Open the door please? I just want to talk ok?" It was a small pause, before Yoongi was about to leave the boy alone thinking he wasn't going to open the door, but he heard a small click, turning back around to see a shy but small looking Jimin peeking through the door. Yoongi pushed the door open gently sliding into the bathroom with Jimin, before closing the door locking it once more. Jimin backed away looking at the floor still sniffling, not daring to look the older in the eyes. 

Now that he was inside Yoongi didn't know what to say to comfort the boy at all. He just did what came into his mind, and slowly walked up to Jimin. Jimin looked up realizing Yoongi was getting closer. He still didn't know how to face Yoongi or what he was going to do, so he shut his eyes tightly, waiting on anything to happen. His heart was beating against his rib cage with worry, but it melted all away once he felt strong and comfortable arms wrap around his body. Jimin's eyes snapped open to see Yoongi holding him tightly, his tears finally stopping.

"I'm so sorry Jimin. I didn't know." Jimin didn't know what Yoongi was talking about, but he hugged him back with just as much vigor. Jimin was still confused by Yoongi's words and apologies so he asked to clear the confusion. 

"What a-are you t-talking about h-hyung?" Yoongi pulled back looking Jimin in his puffy red eyes. He couldn't help himself, he just wanted to comfort Jimin right now, and he didn't know why. He rubbed Jimin's cheeks with his thumbs, wiping away the small tears that were starting to dry on his face. 

"Jin hyung told me it was your first kiss." Jimin turned crimson red burying his face in Yoongi's chest from embarrassment, whispering a small 'stupid hyung' under his breath. Yoongi chuckled from how cute Jimin was, pulling him back to look at him once more. 

"I really am sorry Jimin." Jimin melted at how kind Yoongi was being about his first kiss, but for some reason he felt a little sad as well. He looked at the floor once more feeling his eyes well up with more tears threatening to fall. "D-Did you..." Jimin swallowed thickly scared to even ask Yoongi what he was thinking. Yoongi rubbed his cheek gently before pulling Jimin back into his chest to comfort him. 

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