Bonus Chapter (Part 4) (M)

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Third Person's POV

Jaehyun continued to cook as he waited for Ren to come out of the bathroom. He sighed from irritation at himself. He was just trying to tease Ren to see his cute expressions and red cheeks of embarrassment, but maybe he went too far, and on top of that he got fucking hard just just feeling Ren's plump ass against his front. He couldn't help himself. If your crush pushes back into you, even as an accident, of course you'll have a reaction. Jaehyun sighed again.

"Maybe I should check on him. I hope he doesn't want me to leave now." Jaehyun started to cough, smoke suddenly filling his lungs. He realized he had burnt his third pancake thinking about Ren once more. He hurriedly took the skillet off the stove, throwing the pancake in the trash, rinsing off the skillet in the sink. Thank God he managed to cook at least four big pancakes before burning the others while he daydreamed. He looked around the messy kitchen, looking at the hallway where the bathroom was. He groaned getting pissed off even more at himself.

"God, fucking hormones." He grabbed a bunch of cleaning supplies, and started to clean the messy kitchen while he waited for Ren, not noticing the younger boy already in the kitchen watching him clean. Ren saw the angry face Jaehyun was making, thinking maybe he did something to make the older upset. Jaehyun still didn't notice Ren behind him as he wiped a dirty counter top. Ren saw the bag of flour still sitting on the counter top and smiled wickedly. He grabbed a handful of the soft substance, and threw it right onto Jaehyun's head.

"What the fuck?!?" Jaehyun turned around to see a laughing Ren, his white flour covered hand giving him away. Jaehyun couldn't help but to smile, taking a handful of flour himself to throw on Ren's head as well. The two chased each other around the kitchen, throwing flour everywhere, and once the flour was gone, they grabbed anything else they could get their hands on. Eggs, milk, sugar, chocolate syrup, anything they could grab. They both fell onto the kitchen floor, slipping in the oil that was mixed into everything else they threw around the place. They both settled down from a fit of giggles, just now realizing Jaehyun was on top of Ren.

Jaehyun looked down into Ren's hazel eyes. Even though both his parents had dark brown eyes, somehow Ren was born with bright hazel eyes, that Jaehyun just loved. He studied every feature of Ren's face, now that he was so close to him. He saw the beautiful hazel eyes, the slight plump lips, his full adorable chubby cheeks, the cute moles that were in the exact same place as his mother's, the cute little button nose, and the slight little bit of freckles on his cheeks. He noticed he was staring to long when he saw the red start to creep into Ren's face.

"D-Did I d-do something?" Ren asked shyly. Jaehyun just chuckled, picking Ren up into his arms with no protest from Ren. Ren wrapped his arms around Jaehyun's neck, and his legs around his waist so he wouldn't fall. Jaehyun looked Ren right into his eyes. He could feel himself getting hard again, and couldn't hold back. He saw the chocolate syrup on Ren's neck, and leaned in to lick and suck it off the delicate skin. Ren moaned out, leaning his neck back to give Jaehyun more access. Jaehyun grinded against Ren, making the smaller male scream out.

"God, you're so fucking sexy right now." Ren noticed the state they were in, and tried to push Jaehyun away.

"Jaehyun. Wait, stop." Jaehyun placed Ren on the island in the middle of the kitchen, pulling himself back after hearing Ren say stop. His heart clench painfully. Was he forcing Ren? Was he pushing his feelings onto Ren? Was this all one sided? Ren saw how hurt Jaehyun looked and walked towards him after sliding off the counter. Jaehyun flinched back away from Ren, scared he might hurt the boy again.

"I....R-Ren I....." Jaehyun couldn't get the words out. Maybe he should just leave. Ren walked towards Jaehyun again, but the older male took steps back once more away from the younger.

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