Bonus Chapter (Part Two) (M)

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Third Person's POV




"NO!! DAMMIT!!!" Sungjae sighed as he went through outfit after outfit for his date with Jonghyun tonight. Sungjae blushed at the thought. This isn't a date is it? He didn't really say, and I always go to his house, but something feels different about tonight. Sungjae kept thinking about tonight, throwing his body onto his bed with the mess of clothes. There was a knock on his door, as Sungjae sat up yelling a 'come in.' Namjoon walked into his son's room looking at the mess all over his bed.

"Having some trouble?" Namjoon sat next to his son as Sungjae sighed once more.

"I just don't know what to wear for tonight." Namjoon was confused.

"Aren't you going to Jonghyun's place tonight? Just wear something comfortable." Namjoon smiled proud of himself, but Sungjae groaned throwing his body back onto his messy bed.

"You don't understand dad. I don't think this is a normal hang out. When he asked me over, he was so shy and cute like he was nervous. I think he's planning something."

"And what do you think he's planning?" Namjoon laid down next to his son.

"I don't know. I guess.....maybe, I mean I want...." Sungjae blushed as Namjoon laughed.

"I know how he feels actually. I was the same way with your mom. I didn't ask Jinnie out until the day I left for America. I wanted to come back a better man for him, but when he cried the day I was leaving, I couldn't just leave without confirming my relationship with him. I didn't want to leave thinking about him with someone else, it would kill me. I felt awful telling Jinnie I loved him while I was leaving, like I was leaving him behind."

Sungjae smiled while Namjoon spoke. He's heard his parents love story so many times, but he still loved to hear how happy they became because of it.

"You should feel awful. You left all this behind." Sungjae and Namjoon jumped up from Jin's voice. Jin smiled at the two kissing Namjoon gently, as Sungjae stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"Oh my God, mom that's gross."

"Hey, how do you think you got here young man?" Jin smirked.

"MOM!!!" Jin giggled in Namjoon's arms getting up to help Sungjae.

"Ok, ok I'll stop, but I really came to help you get ready for your date tonight." Sungjae blushed.

"It's not a date mom."

"Yeah and I'm not a queen. It's definitely a date Sunnie, trust me. We have to make you even more beautiful for tonight, so he'll throw his life away just for you." Sungjae sighed.

"Mom I don't want that. If we do date, I want us to be equals." Jin scoffed.

"You're too beautiful for that. He's beneath you sweetheart."

"So is that how you and dad are?" Jin smiled triumphantly.

"Of course. I'm too pretty for your father. He's lucky to have me."

"Jin." Namjoon spoke with a warning, making Jin shiver. Jin cleared his throat.

"Um, well anyways, we still need to go shopping. I still want you to look great when he sees you." Before Sungjae could say anything else, he was pulled out the house with his mom to go shopping.

"So are you going to confess to Sungjae hyung tonight?" Jaehyun smiled.

"I will when you confess to Ren." Jaehyun blushed hearing his crushes name.

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