For Jimin

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Third Person's POV

It's been 6 months. 6 fucking months of Jimin crying over everything, 6 months of Jimin getting angry at everything and everyone, 6 months of Jimin being pregnant in general, and Yoongi was about to kill someone himself since he couldn't hurt Jimin. Don't get Yoongi wrong, he would never hurt his sweet little mochi, but at the same time he wanted to bend Jimin over his knee and spank him like the child he was being.

Yoongi was currently trying to comfort a crying and upset Jimin. Apparently Yoongi didn't get the ice cream Jimin wanted.

"Jimin, you told me vanilla ice cream and cookies, and that's what I got. What's the damn problem." Jimin was on their bed (Yoongi's bed) wailing out loud about how Yoongi doesn't love him any more.

"I wanted v-vanilla ice cream w-with the cookies already i-in the ice cream. I don't w-want plain vanilla i-ice cream. Stupid Yoonie!! Meanie!! Jackass!!" Yoongi was about to pop a blood vessel over Jimin's screaming, but he took deep breaths to calm down.

"Jimin, that's Cookies N Cream ice cream, not vanilla. If you want, I can go back to the store and get it for you." Jimin wailed even louder.

"YOU'RE LEAVING ME!!" Jimin broke down, small hic ups escaping his mouth. He was breathing too fast, and his face was turning red. Yoongi sat the ice cream down, going to hug his big baby and comfort him before he had a panic attack. Yoongi pulled a pregnant Jimin into his lap, pushing his head under his neck. Once Jimin smelled Yoongi's scent his crying calmed down, and he snuggled under Yoongi's neck more.

"You finally ok pretty boy?" Jimin nodded, now embarrassed from his horrible tantrum.

"You know I would never leave you right?" Jimin nodded again, clutching Yoongi's shirt tightly.

"You know I love you too, right?" Yoongi pulled Jimin back a little to wipe his tears away, kissing both eyes gently, and pecking his plumper cheeks, finally taking his luscious lips.

"I l-love you t-too Yoonie." Jimin's smile was bright, and his eyes disappeared as he smiled happily being in Yoongi's arms. Yoongi subconiously started to rub Jimin's much bigger stomach, feeling his baby push back against his hand. Yoongi couldn't help but to smile at the small foot he could feel under Jimin's stomach. He still couldn't believe he was going to be a dad. Jimin started to sniffle, placing his small chubby hands over Yoongi's giant one.

"What's the matter baby?" Jimin leaned into Yoongi's chest, his smile getting bigger.

"I'm just so happy. I can't believe we're going to be parents. I was so scared before, with dropping out of school for now, but you've been so supportive. I know it's hard for you working so much since I can't, and I know I can be a little much."

"A little?" Jimin pouted, hitting Yoongi's hand.

"I'm not that bad." Yoongi kissed his boyfriend's cheek, nibbling on it gently. Even though Jimin got mad when Yoongi talked about his chubby checks or played with them, he was still happy, and Yoongi's touch made him feel so warm and loved.

"You can be a little much cutie, but I still love you sooooo much." Yoongi kissed Jimin's neck gently, and Jimin started to get a little hot. Yes Jimin was even more clingy than before, and yes he got horny from the smallest things. Sue him.

"Yoonie?" Yoongi hummed, still nibbling on Jimin's neck, knowing exactly what he was doing to his smaller lover. "Can we e-eat the ice c-cream?" Yoongi smirked darkly behind Jimin, getting off the bed to grab the sack of snacks and return half dressed.

Jimin's eyes looked hungrily at his manly lover more than the food itself. Yoongi opened the ice cream, setting it on the small table next to his bed. He pushed his finger into the cold substance, scooping some ice cream on his finger. He licked the ice cream from his finger and held it in his mouth, letting it melt a little. He leaned down to kiss Jimin, giving him the ice cream with his tongue. Jimin moaned at the taste of the vanilla ice cream and Yoongi mixing together in his mouth.

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