Our Baby (M)

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Jimin's POV

I was in a dark room. There was no light, no sound, nothing that could help me get out of here. For some reason I wasn't tied up or chained like I thought I would be. Suddenly Yoonie appeared next to me. I happily ran to him, hoping to be in his arms again. I jumped into his arms happily as Yoonie hugged me back.

"I missed you Yoonie." I looked up, and Yoonie looked like he was in pain.

"Jimin I'm sorry." I looked at him confused. Out of nowhere Sunmi appeared next to Yoonie and grabbed onto his arm. I could feel my tears start to fall.

"Yoonie? Are you leaving me?" Yoonie reached out for me, but pulled back.

"I'm so sorry pretty boy." Yoonie walked away with Sunmi around his arm. I tried to run after him, but I tripped and fell on my stomach. I was in so much pain. My stomach was hurting. Was the baby ok? I looked down, and saw nothing but blood. My lower half was bleeding badly, and there was no one around to help me.

"CLEAR!" I heard a voice I didn't recognize, and a bright white light lit up the darkness. I started to crawl towards the light.

"Someone. Help me....please.." The voice shouted out a 'CLEAR' once more, and my body jerked. It was so painful. It felt like electricity was running through my body, and it hurt so badly. I kept crawling to the light, until I reached it, and crawled through.

"CLEAR!" My body jerk once more. I could hear some beeping sound, and voices all around me. Where am I? Where's Yoonie? Are we not at home anymore?

"He's stable now, and he should be just fine. We sealed his wounds on his arms just in time before he could lose anymore blood, and the blood transfusion was a success. Right now he just needs to rest and feel better." Whose voice is that? Did someone get hurt? Was it Yoonie?!?

"Thank you doctor. For everything." Namjoon hyung?

"Will he wake up anytime soon?" Jin hyung? 

"It's hard to say at the moment, but trust me, he will awake soon. He's in the clear." The unknown voice left the room, closing what I assume was a door.

"Oh Joonie what are we going to do?" Jin hyung? Why is he crying?

"We just have to trust Yoongi. He knows what he's doing, even if it hard for Jimin right now, I'm sure he'll be happy in the end." I could feel my body stiffly try to move. So Yoonie really is gone. I could feel something wet on my face, and I could hear my voice. It was so low I didn't think it was mine. My chest hurts so badly. I don't want this pain anymore. Please...someone...make it go away. I could feel someone touch my face, wiping my tears away. The hand felt so warm and safe. It felt like home.

"Jin....h-hyung..?" He started to stroke my hair softly, and I couldn't help but to cry more. I slowly opened my eyes, wincing from the bright lights above me. I looked around the best I could, sitting up only to lay back down in pain. Something felt off. I didn't have any extra weight. I felt my stomach and panic started to settle in. I sat up fast, but regretted it immediately, but the panic was still there. My baby.

"Jin hyung?" I looked at my hyung, and I knew he could tell what I was thinking about it.

"The baby is alright mochi. He's a little underweight and the doctors have him on oxygen and fluids for now." I covered my mouth as the sobs left my mouth. Jin hyung hugged me tightly, but being careful not to hurt me. 

"Its a he? I can't believe it. A baby boy. And I almost killed him. I can't believe myself." Everything came back to me full force. Yoonie leaving me, me slitting my wrist, almost losing my baby without thinking. What the hell was I thinking?!? I almost lost my baby on a stupid impulse. 

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