Finally Over?

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Third Person's POV

Jihoon was pacing back in forth in his room, getting more and more worried. He have been trying to call Yoongi for hours, and he hasn't answered once. His family was starting to notice Yoongi was no longer in the house at the moment, and Jihoon could have swore he heard Jimin's voice coming from some room close to Sunmi's. Not only Jimin, but a baby as well. Did Jimin hyung already have his baby? Jihoon thought. It was way to early to have his baby wasn't it. Jihoon couldn't take it anymore. He snuck out of his room, making his way to the secret room he knew Jimin was. Jihoon looked down the hallway to make sure the close was clear. Suddenly he heard voices and hid behind a large plant, thankful for his small height for once. 

Jihoon peeked from behind the plant to see Sunmi talking to someone he thought he would never have to see again. Leeteuk.  Why was Sunmi talking to someone like him, and why was he out of jail?!? Jihoon cleared his head to listen to listen to what was being said.

"I need you to keep Jimin busy while I deal with Yoongi. He should be back soon. I don't want him to know that filthy dog of his is here." Jihoon glared at Sunmi for talking about his Jimin hyung, but he continued to listen.

"You don't have to worry about that. I plan on making up for lost time, and another thing, what the hell am I suppose to do with that damn baby. That wasn't apart of the deal." Baby? Jimin hyung already had his baby so soon? Jihoon thought to himself.

"I don't care. Kill it for all I care, just make sure your little whore doesn't cause me problems when Yoongi bear gets here." Sunmi started to walk off towards Jihoon's direction, so he hid deeper behind the giant plant, once again thanking his small figure. He watched as Leeteuk walked into a different direction, he assumed where Jimin and his baby was being held. Jihoon was terrified of Leeteuk, but he was more worried about his friend, so he decided to follow Leeteuk to some room he never seen before. Leeteuk punched in a code into a door, and walked inside the door closing behind him. Good thing Jihoon listened to the sound the keys made. He figured out immediately what the code was and went inside after Leeteuk.

There was a long dark hallway, with only a single light showing you the way. It was only one door in the hallway, and Jihoon looked inside. He could hear a baby crying, and Jimin screaming out.

"Please don't do this!!! Not my baby, I'll do ANYTHING!! Please!!!" Jihoon could see Leeteuk walk to a chained up Jimin, holding his baby in front of him as the baby wailed out loud.

"You'll do anything huh? No matter what it is?" Leeteuk smiled like a mad man. He looked absolutely insane. Jimin didn't say anything only focusing on his baby, and that only pissed Leeteuk off. He pulled Jimin's baby away from him and Jimin screamed out again.

"Yes, yes please!! Anything, I don't care I'll do ANYTHING!!" Leeteuk smiled, putting the crying baby down on some old looking bed. He walked up to Jimin, unlocking his chains, pulling his hair to look at him. Jimin looked so scared and Jihoon couldn't do anything. If he could only get to Jimin's baby, then Yoongi could help Jimin. Leeteuk pulled Jimin's hair harder, causing him to whine in pain.

"I won't tell you a second time. Suck me off now!!" Jimin flinched, but shakily undid Leeteuk's pants. Jimin pulled Leeteuk's already hard dick out of his boxers. Without a warning Leeteuk shoved himself fully into Jimin's throat. Jimin didn't gag from being stuffed, but gagged from it being Leeteuk period. Jimin's eyes watered from being scared, and looked all around the room. Anywhere that wasn't Leeteuk. Jimin noticed Jihoon, and noticed the tears in his friends eyes. Jimin glanced towards his baby, and Jihoon understood.

Jimin began to suck Leeteuk willingly, playing with his balls, as Jihoon snuck into the room quietly.

"Now that's what I'm talking about. A full submissive slut. I love it." Leeteuk grabbed Jimin's head, throat fucking him without mercy. Jimin begged Jihoon with his eyes to hurry, and Jihoon did his best to stay quiet. He scooped the baby into his arms trying to comfort the small human being, but he just wouldn't stop. Jihoon figured the baby sensed the danger his mama was in, and that's why he kept crying. Jihoon looked at the torture his friend was going through, wanting to help him as well, but Jimin glanced to the door. Jihoon cried silently for his friend as he snuck back outside the door, out the secret place and the dark hallway. He had to call his brother. Jimin needed help. Jihoon ran to his room with the baby in his arms, locking the door once inside. He held the baby tightly to try to get him to stop crying, but he just wailed even harder. Jihoon laid the baby down on his bed next to the giant rabbit his boyfriend got him awhile ago. That seemed to calm him down once he saw it.

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