Lost Hope (M)

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(A/N: There will be triggering rape scenes in this chapter. If you don't like it, please skip it.)


Third Person's POV

Jimin didn't know how long he was out for, but he was scared beyond belief. He was blind folded, hands tied behind his back, and gagged so he couldn't scream. He could feel he was in the backseat on a car from all the turns and bumps as the person drove. Jimin tried to feel around for anything to cut his restraints, but his body was pulled into someone's lap. They started to rub up his body, tweaking his nipples, twisting them in between rough fingers. Jimin tried to speak, but the one touching him took it as a moan.

"Oh, is my little toy feeling good?" Jimin already knew the familiar voice from all their previous encounters. He began to flail around trying to escape from Leeteuk's arms. Leeteuk began to kiss down Jimin's neck, licking over the soft sensitive skin. "Looks like I have to leave even more pretty marks all over your delicious body." Jimin could feel the tears form behind the blindfold over his eyes as Leeteuk raised his shirt up sucking one of his nipples. Jimin tried to scream for help but again Leeteuk took it as a moan.

"Boss we're here." Jimin noticed the car had stopped thankful for the small amount of time Leeteuk wasn't violating him. 

"Pick him up, and bring him inside. We're going to have a lot of fun all night." Jimin felt his legs being pulled outside the car, and just when he thought his head would hit the ground, another pair of arms picked him up from around his shoulders. He still couldn't see anything, but he could hear their feet stomping onto gravel below him. He heard a door open that sounded like a garage opening up before he saw a little bit of light through the blind fold.

"Put him there. Bound his arms to the bed" Jimin's arms were untied for a brief moment before they were bound on the headboard of a bed. His blindfold was finally pulled off of his eyes causing him to squint and blink the blurriness away, until his eyes zoomed in on Leeteuk. Said man walked over to him climbing on the bed rubbing his face gently as more tears pooled down his chubby cheeks. 

"Such a beauty. I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you Jimin." Leeteuk pulled the gag out of his mouth a bit of saliva dripping down his chin as he did. "You ready to have fun precious?" Jimin just sobbed even more, his breathing becoming even more erratic, his body shivering in fear. "Don't be scared baby, we'll take really good care of you."

"P-Please let m-me go. W-What did I d-do?" Jimin began to beg, hoping they would just let him go. He didn't understand why they were doing this to him, or what he could've done to upset them.

"Sorry sweetheart, but no can do. I brought you here to be mine. I fell in love with your beauty the moment I saw you. We did have another toy not to long ago, but we let him go after he paid his debt. What was his name?"

"It was Felix I believe. He was a great fuck every night." G-Dragon smiled with pride, like it was a game. Jimin's heart clenched for the poor boy, but only for a second until he felt Leeteuk pushing his shirt up.

"Such pretty pink nipples, everything on your body is fucking gorgeous." He pinched Jimin's nipples licking his lips as they harden in between his thumbs and index fingers. Jimin shivered in disgust from the feeling, he felt like throwing up right then and there was too scared to even do that. He bit his lip harshly trying to keep his voice inside.

"Don't hold back precious. Let me hear you." Leeteuk rubbed Jimin's half hard dick through his tight skinny jeans the younger almost moaning out loud. Of course he wasn't feeling good, but his body was having a natural reaction to being touched. "Oh someone's enjoying himself." Leeteuk smirked leaning down to kiss Jimin's lips roughly. He forced his tongue into Jimin's mouth tasting every inch of the smaller boy.

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