The Set Up

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Yoongi's POV

My brother poked me in my cheek for the hundredth time trying to get my attention, while I focused on the road to take him to my parents house. I tried to ignore him, but he was starting to piss me off.

"Got dammit Jihoon cut it out!!" I squeezed the steering wheel in anger trying not to smack my brother upside his head. I don't know why I was so angry at the moment. Maybe it's because Jimin seemed like he was getting along with my brother more than me, or maybe because he showed someone else his real smile when I've never seen it before. It doesn't make sense, we're not even dating so I have no right to be mad.

"Your going to get wrinkles if you keep that angry look hyung. Why are you even mad anyway? You were fine a second ago before we had to leave." I could hear my brother gasp next to me and I just knew he was about to spill some bullshit. "Was it because you didn't want to leave Jimin hyung? Were you sad you had to leave?" He started poking my cheek again, and it only made me speed up the car to hurry and get his ass far away from me sooner before I have to kill him.

"So you really like him don't you hyung?" I could literally feel his smirk towards me while I tried to ignore him. I took a gamble and glanced his way to see him wiggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes and focused once again on the road.

"It's not like that. We're just friends and nothing else." Was that really all though? Did I actually like him? I mean he was a real cutie I can't deny that, but I'm not looking for a relationship. I just want to have fun, and Jimin looks like he'll taste so sweet and sound so heavily under me.

"But I think you should give it a try. Jimin hyung is really nice even though he's really shy. He always helps people on campus when he can, even when he looks so uncomfortable around people. He even helped me a couple times when I couldn't find my classes, even though he might have been late to his." I wonder why he hates being around people so much? Maybe I should text him and ask him about it tonight. Would that be alright, I mean he did give me his number.

"I think you two would be great together hyung. You haven't been with anyone else since your heart was broken-"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP JIHOON!! NOW!!" I didn't want to bring up that part of my past and he knows that. Why was he being so stupid?!? I could feel my brother jump next to me, causing me to feel bad. "I'm sorry Jihoon."

"I-It's ok h-hyung." I could hear him sniffle as he wiped the tears that were building up in his eyes. I stroked his hair gently knowing it would make him feel better, which he proved me right by pushing his head into my hand more. "I just want hyung to be happy again. I don't like the names people call you at my school. They know how you sleep around hyung, and they say such awful things."

I sigh putting my hand back on the wheel knowing I'm close to my old home. "It's ok Jihoon. I was the one who decided to sleep with everyone. You should just focus on your classwork and graduate ok? Let them say what they want."

"B-But it's not ok hyung. It's really mean. I really think Jimin hyung is nice, and I know you're nice too hyung, even if you don't show it to a lot of people. I just don't want Jimin hyung to hear bad things about you." I could hear my brother actually crying this time. I wish he wouldn't worry about me, and just be happy and have a normal school life without me in it. I sighed again and made a quick U turn causing us to slam to the right a little too hard.

"H-Hyung were are we going? My house is the other way." I smiled and flicked his forehead leaving a mark as he pouted, rubbing the sore spot. "What was that for you asshole?!?"

"Remember that date I promised you last week to your favorite place?" I could see his eyes light up with joy as he listened to my words. "Well I'm taking you there now. I know we haven't spent a lot of time together because of my job, and some other things have been stressing me out, but I think I need this as much as you." I smiled in his direction making sure to keep my eyes on the road.

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