Don't Fuck With Daddy (M)

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Yoongi's POV

"Yoongi. Jimin never went to dance class today."

My heart literally stopped for a second. What the hell does that mean?!? So something really happen to Jimin?

"Yoongi!!" I jumped from Jin hyung's voice.

"Y-Yeah. I'm here. Hyung I know what happened to Jimin. Not fully, but I have some info about what happened." I glanced at my brother, who was off the phone with his friend, and he nodded confirming everything was good.

"What do you mean Yoongi. What the fuck happened to my mochi?" I was a little surprised from Jin's outburst. I rarely hear him curse, but when he's pissed off about something he won't hold back.

"Hyung calm down ok. If you freak out now Jimin isn't going to tell us anything. I'll tell you everything I know after you guys are off work. I need to finish my own work, and we have to approach Jimin calmly." I heard him sigh.

"You're right. I'm sorry, it's just....he's been through so much already Yoongi. You don't understand how protective I am of him. I don't want him to suffer anymore." I could hear how loving he sounded. Just like a mother with her child, but I wouldn't tell him that. All I could think about was the pain I was adding to Jimin's problems. I must have been thinking too hard, because the next thing I know I feel Jihoon hug my side.

"I'll call you when we're on our way hyung."


"Oh I'm bringing my brother with me." I hugged him back on my side, smiling down at him. "He was actually the one who came to me about what happened with Jimin."

"Ok. I'll talk to you guys soon."

"Bye hyung." I hung up the phone sighing. I was not ready to face Jimin again, but I know we need to get to the bottom of what happened today. "Hey are you hungry? Hyung will treat you again today." Jihoon smiled and nodded, but before we left, I had to know something no matter what. "Jihoon." He looked up to face me. "D-Do you know why mom and dad don't want you around me?"

He was silent for awhile I didn't think he knew.

"I know why hyung." My heart dropped to my stomach, and all of sudden I couldn't face my brother. I didn't want him to know that side of me. I prayed he just thought I moved away because I got older or I just wanted to live on my own, nothing else.

" don't hate me? You don't think I'm weird or disgusting?" Jihoon gasped hugging me so tight I couldn't breath.

"Of course not hyung. Don't say that!! I didn't know at first, but I heard our parents talking about it one day when they thought I was sleeping. I looked it up myself to learn about what was wrong, but even before then I didn't hate you hyung. You can't help it hyung it's not your fault. Instead of getting you help, our parents just pushed you away like you were nothing." He grabbed my face so I could look at him. "I love you hyung. I'll always love you, and be your little brother."

His smile was so bright and genuine it made my heart swell. I hugged my brother just as tight as he hugged me, and cried on his shoulder. "Thank you so much Jihoon. You have no idea how scared I was to tell you." My brother stroked my hair like I was the most fragile thing in the world. Right now I felt exactly like that. We would have stayed hugging if it wasn't for Jihoon's stomach growling. That lightened the mood causing us both to laugh.

"Come on. Let's get some food. I have to come back to finish a track." We left to get food, as we drove we talked about a lot of things catching up as brothers.


Jin's POV

I couldn't help myself but to stare at Jimin as he worked. I was holding myself back so hard from just yelling at him to tell me what happened today. I just have to wait until I talk to Yoongi, but I have a feeling I might have to kill someone once I hear the small bit of story Yoongi knows.

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