Epilogue (Part 2) (M)

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(A/N: There is going to be a lot of pictures, so prepare.)

Third Person's POV

Yoongi was pacing back and forth with anticipation as he finished getting ready in his suit. Namjoon sat in the room with him as his best man, as well as Hoseok and Jungkook as his groomsmen. They were laughing at their friends panicked state as he couldn't sit still.

"Hyung calm down. He already said yes. You're just making it final." Yoongi glared at Namjoon, still not sitting down to calm his nerves. Namjoon sighed, getting up to stand in front of Yoongi.

"What?" Yoongi spat. Namjoon just chuckled, putting a comforting hand on his hyung's shoulder.

"It's ok hyung. You've got this. Jimin said yes, and if he didn't love you he wouldn't have. This is the best day of your lives, don't ruin it with doubt ok? Jimin loves you as much as you love him." Yoongi couldn't help but to smile at his friend, hugging him close.

"Thanks Namjoon. I know I don't say it enough, but thank you for everything." Namjoon hugged him back smiling.

"Anytime hyung." Hoseok jumped into the hug, Jungkook following close behind.

"Hey we're here too you know." Hoseok snuggled into the middle of their group hug. Jungkook just hugged everyone loving his hyungs like crazy. Meanwhile on the other side of the house.

"I CAN'T DO THIS!!" Jimin screamed as Jin zipped up his wedding dress. Jin sighed as he tried to finish Jimin's make up. Jimin was panicking just as much as Yoongi. He was pacing back and forth, while Jin chased him around with a make up brush.

"Don't worry hyung. I know my brother loves you, there's no doubt in my mind." Jihoon smiled, but Jimin was still worried. What if Yoongi stopped loving him, what if he cheated, what if he didn't want him anymore!!! Jin sighed, pulling Jimin back to sit in a chair.

"Sit still so I can finish your damn make up." Jimin pouted, sitting still like his hyung told him. Jin just chuckled as he finished Jimin's hair and make up.

"Even on your wedding day, you're still a big adorable baby." Jimin sat up, looking at Jin worriedly. 

"Hyung are you ok?" Jin broke down even more, hugging Jimin tightly.

"I'm j-just so h-happy for my b-baby. I've b-been with y-you practically most of y-your life, and n-now your getting m-married. I'm s-so proud of y-you sweetheart." Jimin hugged his hyung close, crying with him.

"T-Thank you for always b-being there for me m-mom?"

"Oh my God!!!" Jin squeezed the breath out of Jimin, causing Jimin to gasp. Jimin had asked Jin and Namjoon to be his parents for his special day, since both his biological parents where no longer with him. 

"H-Hyung...." Jin let Jimin go, kissing his forehead gently. 

"Sorry baby. Let's get your make up fixed for your special day." Jin fixed the finishing touches of Jimin's hair and make up.

"Wow Jimin, you look so pretty." Tae jumped up and down excitedly.

"Thank you TaeTae."

"Show us a smile. I need a picture." Jin pulled out a camera, taking a picture of his finished work of Jimin's hair and make up.

" Jin pulled out a camera, taking a picture of his finished work of Jimin's hair and make up

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