A Night Out Part 2

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Yoongi's POV

I swear I should have stayed home. I knew it was a bad idea to come here, even with the free drinks Namjoon was offering me. Some jackass already bumped into me, and tried to blame me when his drink spilled all over himself, some whore tried sitting in my lap not once, not twice, but three fucking times, and what's worse Hoseok left me and Namjoon alone to find his play toy of a co-worker, while I have to listen to Namjoon get all nervous about seeing Jin hyung. AGAIN!! I stood up about to leave, no matter how many drinks Namjoon was willing to buy, when I felt his hand grip my wrist. 

"Where are you going hyung? You're not leaving are you?" He looked like he was about to faint right then and there. I just rolled my eyes and snatched my wrist from his grip. "It's boring and all these people make me sick. I'm going home."

"You can't leave hyung. Everyone hasn't even shown up. Jackson and his friends haven't came yet."

"You only want to stay for Jin hyung. You're so obvious Namjoon." I was about to walk off when he grabbed my wrist again. "Namjoon come on man. You'll be fine on your own, you don't need me here to suck his face off." I smirked when I saw his cheeks turn a dark crimson color under the dim lights of the club.

"That's not what- anyway just stay a little longer please hyung? If the others get here and you still don't want to stay I'll let you go with no problem." He looked like a damn dog begging with his eyes for his master not to leave him. I finally sighed and pulled my arm away from him for the second time. "Fine, but you owe me more alcohol."

He smiled like big idiot and nodded. "No problem. Plus I heard Jin hyung was bringing Jimin with him as well."

I sat up straight to look at him fully. "Jimin? You mean that sexy raven haired guy with the nice ass?" Namjoon made a face of disgust. "You should really think about getting into a relationship hyung so you can stop whoring around with half the town." I smirked at him proudly, as I shrugged. "It's not my fault half the town wants me. If people stop wanting me, I'll stop giving them this Agust D."

Namjoon chuckles at my stupid self. "You really are a whore."

I smile bitterly at his words. It's not like I want to sleep with everyone in this shit of a town, but I have needs you know. Plus I can never be with anyone, not with the way I am. I don't want to have repeat of my past because of my disorder. "Yoongi hyung, Namjoon." I look up from sipping of my drink to see Hoseok running up towards us dragging a baby faced guy with him. 

He looked like a little doll and his flushed cheeks from being so shy made him look even more like a baby faced doll

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He looked like a little doll and his flushed cheeks from being so shy made him look even more like a baby faced doll. "Guys this is Jinyoung. He's my friend and co-worker from the dance studio we teach at." I listen to Hoseok introduce us to "the doll" while he looked at him with such gentle eyes. I've never seen Hoseok look at anyone like that before.

"N-Nice to meet you guys. Like Hoseok hyung said I'm Jinyoung." He bowed to us. "I hope we can be good friends." His smile was pretty adorable, but he wasn't really my type. I hope he makes Hoseok happy, but I won't tell Hoseok that.

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