Bonus Chapter (Part one)

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Third Person's POV

Jimin was making breakfast for his loving family when Jaehyun walked into the kitchen sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart." Jaehyun smiled brightly, hugging his small mother. Both Jonghyun and Jaehyun have grown past Jimin, so they can tower over the small mom.

"Morning mom. What are you making?" Jaehyun kissed Jimin's cheek, stealing a piece of pancake to eat it dry.

"I'm making pancakes, eggs, and sausage." Where's your father and brother?" Jaehyun rolled his eyes as he finished the last piece of his pancake.

"You know they're still sleeping mom. They're never up this early in the morning. Plus." Jaehyun wiggled his eyebrows. "Hyung was up all night talking to Sungjae." Jimin smiled as he thought about his oldest son being in love. Both families knew Jonghyun and Sungjae loved each other but the two involved. They needed to get together already.

"What about you Jaehyun?"

"What about me mom?"

"When are you going to ask Ren out?" Jaehyun blushed and rushed out of the kitchen, yelling he was going to wake Jonghyun up. Jimin just chuckled and continued to cook breakfast.

Jaehyun walked into his older brother's room, chuckling at how dark it was. He pulled the curtains back letting the light into the room as Jonghyun groaned.

"What the hell Jaehyun?"

"Mom said to wake you. We still have school today even though it's your birthday." Jonghyun threw a pillow at his younger brother, making Jaehyun throw it back.

"Get out of my room. I'll be up in a second." Jaehyun grinned wickedly.

"I guess I'll tell Sungjae to leave without us. He waited just for you too." Jonghyun jumped from his bed, falling over his basketball with a curse. Jaehyun laughed out loud at this brother knowing that would wake him up. Jonghyun blushed embarrassed, hitting Jaehyun on the head as he continued to laugh.

"Get out so I can get ready you asshole." Jonghyun glared at his brother leaving his room. Jonghyun sat on his bed, rubbing his head from the on coming headache he was feeling.

"I have it bad huh?" He questioned himself. He got up getting ready for school. He didn't really care for his birthday, he just wanted to see Sungjae's beautiful face. When he was done getting ready, he walked downstairs to his family for breakfast, noticing a glaring Yoongi.

"What's wrong with you pops?" Yoongi glared at a smiling Jimin but still answered his son.

"Nothing much. I just have to punish your mother later when I get home." Jonghyun and Jaehyun both grimaced at their dad's words.

"Yeeeah, just make sure it's not at home. Mom isn't very quiet." Jaehyun shrugged as Jimin and Yoongi chocked on their drinks. Jimin quickly changed the subject.

"S-So Jonghyun, what do you want for your birthday today?"

"Sungjae." Jonghyun whispered, noticing his younger brother grin at him. He kicked him under the table, making Jaehyun laugh silently.

"Anything else you need for basketball?" Yoongi spoke up.

"No I have everything I need. You and mom already gave me so much, I'd feel bad getting anything else." Yoongi smiled.

"It's ok to be humble son, but we help because we're your parents. Don't block your blessing from us."

"So I'll ask again. Is there anything you want for your birthday?" Jimin smiled at his son's sudden blush.

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