First Meeting

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Jimin's POV

"Please Jin hyung. Please, please, please, please." I begged him with my sweetest puppy eyes.

"Alright Jimin!" He sighed as he rolled his eyes. "But I'm only hiring you because we're friends Jimin. I have to treat you like any other employee. If you mess up you will get in trouble and you will be punished, you hear me?"

I jumped up and down with excitement as I hugged him tightly. "Yes I understand. Thank you Hyung. Thank you so much." He smiled and hugged me back kissing the top of my head. "I'm serious Jimin. Just because you're adorable doesn't mean I won't fire you for messing up." I pouted from his words, and stuck out my bottom lip. Jin hyung laughed and slapped my arm gently. "I'm serious Jimin. No amount of cute can stop me from firing you." Jin has been my best friend for years even though he is 3 years older than me. Jin hyung knows me better than anyone, and has always been there for me no matter what I did or went through. Even when he found out about my disorder, he didn't judge me and still loved me all the same. I don't think I could have made it through so much without him.

"Jimin, did you hear me?" I snapped out of my reverie and smiled. "What did you say hyung?" "Aish Jimin, don't be like this on your first day. It's hard to be a waiter in a restaurant you know." I walked up to the counter and sat on one of the stools there. "Sorry hyung I won't, I promise. Now what were you saying?" Jin sighed and continued the conversation. "I was asking you for your class schedule. I don't want you here working when you're so close to finishing in your Bachelor of Fine Arts major mochi."

"Don't worry Jin hyung I'll get it to you tomorrow once I'm finished with my afternoon classes." I smiled. I was in college to fulfill my dream of being an dance instructor, a choreographer, or maybe a performer. Dancing has always be my passion, and I loved it ever since I was a child. Dance has always made me happy, and I always felt so free when I danced. Whenever I was having a bad day or college became too stressful or my family pissed me off, I would always go out to dance freely by the lake. I snapped out of it when the bell above Jin hyung's door rang out, letting us know he had a customer. I smirked at Jin hyung when I saw his red face from his "customer" and said "customers" friend.

"O-Oh Namjoon it's good to see you. Do y-you want your usual drink?" I smirked more and leaned over the counter to whisper to Jin hyung. "You stuttered again." He glared at me as he made Namjoon's drink and whispered through clenched teeth. "Shut up my lovely, or I will fire you right now." I threw my hands up in surrender and laughed. Hyung has always been obvious around Namjoon. If his cute stuttering wasn't enough to throw it off his adorable blush whenever he sees the man will. "Can you hurry up? Some of us has work to do?" I turned to look at the said voice and saw Namjoon's friend looking like an angry cat about to attack. "What the hell is his problem?"

"Excuse me?" Namjoon's friend glared daggers into my face. I paled from his stare. I thought I said that inside my head. "U-Um nothing I-I didn't mean-"

"You have something you want to say to me?" He looked pissed off at this point as he stepped closer to me. I didn't realize I was walking backwards away from him until I ran into Jin hyung. "OK that's enough Yoongi hyung." Namjoon pulled "Yoongi"back towards him and smiled like it was normal for him to assault someone. "Sorry about that Jimin. He hasn't had his morning coffee, and he didn't get much sleep last night from stress." Jin was standing in front of me as he handed Namjoon his iced coffee and smiled so brightly it was blinding. "Would your rude friend like something as well?"

How the hell was Jin hyung not scared of him? He looked like he'll bite you if you touched him. "Yeah I want an Americano. Now." I jumped when he said that and hid behind my hyung even more. "That will be easy. Jimin my little mochi, why don't you make it for him." He turned to fully look me in my terrified eyes.

"I've taught you how to make an Americano before, this will be easy for you." He smiled as he pushed me behind the counter. I stopped to look at him horrified that he was making me do this. Not because I had to make one, but I had to make it for him. "Jin hyung I don't want-" Jin hyung raised his finger and shut me up instantly. "This is a test my mochi. You will have to deal with people just like him in the mornings before they have their coffee, so I want you to make it for him even with his sour attitude." Jin patted my shoulder. "I can hear you you know" the cat said to us. "And I don't care, now wait until your drink is ready." Again. How the hell is Jin hyung not scared?!?

Yoongi's POV

I rolled my eyes getting more pissed off by the second. I never should have came with Namjoon. He doesn't even drink coffee much. He only comes to talk to "The Man Candy" as he calls him. I mean yeah he's pretty and all, but I want my damn coffee. I finally decided to just sit at the bar and wait on my damn slow ass coffee, while Namjoon flirted with his man candy. The other guy looked like he was about to have a panic attack once I sat down to wait. Jimin? Was it? He was pretty cute despite being a damn idiot. He looked like he could be a good fuck honestly. I glanced down as he made me my coffee, and holy shit that ass was a sin in itself. I wonder how many guys he let tap that. Lucky bastards. "H-Here's your c-coffee." I looked up to see him setting my coffee in front of me, and I could see his face even more.

I have to admit he was beautiful even for a man. I've never seen such art in my life. He's probably not even gay so I won't get my hopes up. "Thanks" I mumbled lowly as I sipped from my coffee. He just stood there watching me as I drank. It was really making me uncomfortable. "What kid?" I snapped at him causing him to jump slightly. I smirked at his little jump. Cute. "U-Um nothing, I j-just..." He just walked away with his head down. What the hell was that? I sighed and got up to leave. I still had to finish this damn song soon or I was going to lose my mind. I found Namjoon in a corner booth still talking and eyeing "man candy" up and down like he wanted to eat him. God these two are so obvious. Just fuck already. I walked up to them and cleared my throat. "Can we go now? I need to finish this song by the end of the day."

Namjoon just glared at me and sighed. "Fine. We can go. We do need to finish it soon." He got up and helped Jin hyung out of the booth as well. "I'll see you later tonight ok?" He grabbed Jin hyung's hand and kissed it, causing the older of the two to turn a complete red across his cheeks. Ew gross. Just nasty. "Y-Yeah. Tonight. I'll see you." I walked away at this point ready to leave already, and Namjoon got the hint following close behind me. Before I walked out the door I glanced back feeling eyes on me. I saw the "Pretty Boy" staring at me and I smirked at him causing him to look away embarrassed. He practically ran to the back tripping over himself. Maybe I'll come back with Namjoon more often.

So chapter 1. Let me know what you guys think. 💜💜

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