Yoongi's Past

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Third Person's POV

Jimin came running out pass the living room straight to his room locking the door without a second thought. Jin sighed getting up to comfort the younger boy. Everyone had already gone home for the day, happy to know Jimin was safe and back home once more. Jin figured the confession he pushed Jimin into didn't go well. It was weird because it was clear as day that Yoongi felt the same way as Jimin. He walked up to Jimin's door, and his heart squeezed in pain hearing Jimin full on cry. He wasn't sobbing quietly like he usually does, but you could hear his small screams in his pillow as he tried to hide them. Jin knocked on the door gently to get Jimin's attention.

"Mochi it's me. Can I come in?" There was no answer so Jin knocked again. He could hear shuffling on the other side of the door, but then it stopped. Jin could hear Jimin's small sniffles against the door, and knew he was leaning on the door listening.

"C-Can you l-leave me alone for a-awhile hyung? I j-just want to be alone f-for now?" Jin was worried about Jimin but he agreed for now.

"I'll make some dinner ok? Just rest for now, and please unlock your door. You know I worry about you mochi." It was quiet again, but Jin smiled once he heard the loud click of the lock on Jimin's bedroom door. He turned around his smile falling once he faced Yoongi and Namjoon standing a few feet away. Jin wanted to punch the fuck out of Yoongi, but for Jimin's sake he was going to keep the peace. Namjoon could see the anger in Jin's eyes, and knew they would have to talk. Jin stomped passed both males towards the kitchen, not before stopping next to Yoongi not looking the younger in the eye.

"Stay away from Jimin's room right now. If I see you any closer to that door than right here, I won't hesitate to beat your ass." Jin hissed out. He continued walking to the kitchen Namjoon watching Yoongi stand there not moving like Jin said. Namjoon patted Yoongi's shoulder and spoke quietly to his hyung.

"Just leave him be for now hyung. I understand you didn't mean it, and I know you're scared to be with Jimin, but please hyung, believe me when I say it's ok for you to love him. He loves you. I know he does." Yoongi just chuckled still not looking at Namjoon, a tear falling down his already tear stained face.

"Maybe it's for the best you know? I didn't want to hurt him, but I did anyway. Maybe he'll hate me now. I think I deserve this. This should have happened."

"No it shouldn't have hyung, and you know that's bullshit. Look just.....just go rest ok. You can talk to Jimin later. He just needs some time before you explain." Yoongi didn't say anything more, and sadly dragged himself back into his studio locking the door. 


Namjoon walked into the kitchen, leaning against the wall watching as Jin cut up vegetables. Jin was still angry, Namjoon could tell from how hard he was cutting the veggies. Namjoon walked up behind his boyfriend, wrapping his arms around his thin waist, kissing his neck gently.

"Baby calm down, I don't want you to hurt yourself." Namjoon kissed Jin on the neck more, biting his ear gently. Jin shivered, leaning back into his sweethearts touch.

"I know I'm sorry. I just-"

"No need to explain princess. I know." Jin sighed putting the knife down to face Namjoon. 

"Joonie, can I ask you something important?"

"Anything kitten." Jin blushed at the new nickname, but ignored it for now.

"Why does Yoongi think he doesn't deserve Jimin? Why is he so scared to actually tell Jimin he loves him?" Namjoon pushed his bangs out of his face, rubbing his neck unsure.

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