First Date?

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Jimin's POV

I was currently in class at the moment, but I wanted to leave this instant. Somehow what had happened to me spread like wild fire around the campus. I don't even know how this could have happened. I didn't want to put off school much longer than I already have, but right now I wished I had at least waited until everything died down. I'm so tired of the weird and disgusted looks, the low whispers no one thought I could hear, and the constant question of 'is it true?' I just wanted to run back home into my boyfriend's loving arms. I hate this. I hate being in school right now.

"Jimin? It's ok. We can leave if you want." I smile at Jihoon for being there for me like the great friend he is. Even though he doesn't have classes once I have my dance class, he still comes to sit with me and watch me dance, making sure I'm still ok. I almost break down when he wraps his arms around me. I feel so safe in his arms, but I still miss Yoongi right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy Jihoon is here, but I just want to crawl back into bed, and snuggle into Yoongi's chest, and enjoy his comforting scent of fresh mint. 

I'm thrown out of my reverie as my teacher calls me to the stage in the classroom to perform my next piece I've been practicing on. I smile as I make my way up the small steps to the stage. Even with the horrible rumors spreading around right now, nothing can take my joy away from dancing. I get into position until the music starts, and begin my dance. Once I'm dancing, all my worries are just washed away. I feel so free and alive as my body moves to the beat. I glance into the audience to see Jihoon smiling so brightly at me, his mouth open wide in amazement. He's so cute. I continue to glance around enjoying myself, until I glance towards the entrance of the door.

My heart beats fast, my body shivers and runs cold, and I missed a step in my choreography, falling with a thud to the floor. I glance back at the doorway of my class, but he was gone. It wasn't really him right? It couldn't have been Leeteuk? There's no way that's possible. They were arrested!! They went to jail!!! They-

"JIMIN!!!" I glance up at Jihoon as he shakes my body. I don't know what face I was making, but he looked so worried. I slowed my breathing down trying to calm down before I had another panic attack. "Hyung are you ok?" Jihoon hugged me and I wrapped my arms tightly around his body as well, not caring about the loud whispers that were swirling around the classroom. My teacher Taemin crouches down to my eye level checking to make sure I was ok.

"Maybe you should go home for the day Jimin, this is your last class anyway."

"What? No I can finish the dance, please!!" He sighs, thinking it over as he glances at my worried state.

"Fine. One more time, but if you hurt yourself again, I'm sending you home." I smile getting pumped up once more for my dance.

"Um Mr. Taemin-"

"I know. I already got the camera set up to record your dance for you, but don't practice too hard like last time ok? If you over work yourself you won't be able to dance, so don't over do it ok? I know how hard you criticize yourself so just be careful." I nod hugging Jihoon once more as he exits the stage. I go through my dance once more, with no mistakes. Maybe it was just my imagination. I know those guys were locked up, I was the main witness on the trail. I pray, hope, and wish I never have to see them again. 


Yoongi's POV

"Hyung for the last time, anywhere is fine. Jimin is going to love anywhere you take him." I groaned at my brother's voice as he tries to help me plan a date for my adorable boyfriend.

"That's not the point dammit. I know Jimin will love anywhere we go, that's the problem. I want it to be special since it's our first actual date since dating each other. He has to have fun as well as enjoy what we do. I don't want to take him just anywhere because I know he'll love it just because of me." I slammed my head on the desk, frustrated. Jimin was currently at work on his day off so I had time to plan our date tonight. Jin came up with the idea to keep him busy while I did, but time was running out, and I had no ideas at the moment. 

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