Roommates Part 2 (The Party)

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Jimin's POV

Jin and I finally finished packing the last box of my apartment. I know it wasn't the best place to be, but I'm actually going to miss this place. I walked around the apartment to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I looked through my room one last time before closing the door. I checked my kitchen, the living room, and the bathroom before going to lock up my old place one last time. I met Jin hyung downstairs in the lobby while I turned in my keys to my old apartment.

"Did you get everything you needed? The guys said they'd come help us unpack your things at your new place. Also they wanted to throw a house warming party for you and Yoongi becoming new roommates."

"Who came up with that idea? They're acting like we're a married couple moving into our first house?" I don't know why but the thought actually made me smile. That's a little weird to think about.

"I think it was Jackson who thought up the idea with Hoseok, and it spread to JB and Youngjae, then me and Namjoon, and so forth, so now we're having a party at Yoongi's apartment." We walked outside to hyung's car buckling up before heading to the restaurant. Today was going to be a busy day today, so hyung decided we should work for the extra money. I looked up at hyung as he drove.

"So how does Yoongi hyung feel about everyone going to our apartment for this party tonight?"

"Awww you said our. That's so cute mochi." He pinched my cheek grinning like an idiot as I swatted his hand away, rubbing at my now sore and red cheek. "But to answer your question, of course he was against it, but I lied and said it'll make you happy, so he reluctantly agreed."

"Hyung i-it's not l-like that, and w-why did you u-use me for this stupid party?" I crossed my arms in my seat pouting from irritation.

"Come on Jimin it'll be fun, plus it's only the guys you met before at the club last time." He suddenly turned serious as we pulled into the employee parking of the restaurant, as he shut the car off. "I was thinking about inviting Felix as well. I know he's a little younger than us, but I think he'll have fun, and maybe make some new friends. He's a pretty quiet kid, but he seems so lonely to me." He turned his full body towards me. "What do you think mochi?"

"I don't really know Felix as well as you hyung, but you've never been wrong about people, so I think we should invite him." He smiled and pinched my cheek again making me pout even more, as I rub the soreness away once more.

"Maybe you should get to know him some more mochi. He's just like you in a way, just a little worse." He climbed out the car and I followed.

"So he's afraid of people too?" Jin hyung walked into the restaurant waving at Felix causing the small boy to smile brightly. "TAE!!!" I saw Taehyung jump slightly as he turned towards an angry Jin hyung, waving his finger at Tae. He walked towards us slowly with his head down fidgeting slightly.

"Do you know why you're in trouble?" Tae nodded but still didn't look at our hyung. "And why is that?"

"Because I was kissing my boyfriend in front of customers again?"

"No. Because you were sucking his face off while you were in his lap in front of customers. I don't mind Jungkook coming to visit you at work Tae, or the fact that you two kiss, but I've told you over and over again about having a dry fuck session while you're on the clock. Especially when it distracts you from work."

Jungkook walked up to us back hugging Tae causing Tae to blush shyly, and fidget even more. "I'm sorry hyung. It was all my fault, not TaeTae's. He was working really hard before you got here, but I was the one who started kissing and teasing him. He's just so cute in this uniform I can't resist messing with him." Tae looked up shyly with his famous puppy eyes, when he's in trouble. I already knew what was about to happen. Jin hyung sighed.

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