A Night Out Part 1

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Yoongi's POV

"Namjoon I swear to God if I hear you mention Jin hyung again, I will cut something off of you and mail it to him as a warning for you both. Now can we please finish this damn song while we're young?" We've been sitting here for hours on end trying to finish this song so we can make some more money. Well I've been sitting here working, Namjoon has been cooing and swooning over and over again talking about a certain person I would like to murder at the moment so he can concentrate.

"Geez calm down hyung we'll finish trust me. Your music is amazing and your lyrics touch a lot of people. They're always so deep or can be the sweetest thing in the world. I'm sure our client will love this song like all our other clients." Namjoon does piss me off more than he should half the time, but he is an amazing friend. His taste in music and the sounds we create together has be a dream come true. I love music more than anything in the world and I was more than happy when I met Namjoon so we can create the music when do today.

"Hey hyung you should come out with Jin hyung and me tonight. We were thinking about going to that new club that just opened up last week. I heard it's pretty fun, and already so popular. I can't wait to see Jin hyung again. He's so gorgeous and his smile is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in the world."

I take it back. I take everything nice I just said about him back and I'll bury it in his backyard. I just want to finish this damn song and go home to sleep. I don't want to go out, and especially not to a loud, annoying, dirty, and crowd filled place full of idiots that just wants to get drunk and act like even bigger idiots. "Hyung guess what?" Hoseok busted threw the door pissing me off even more with his loud voice. I swear if I could kill them both without getting into trouble with the law, I would. "What's up Hoseok? Did you finish your part for the song yet?" Namjoon asked completely ignoring Hoseok's last statement. "Yes I did, I sent it to Yoongi hyung already to finish up the song we're working on, but I have something else to tell you guys." Hoseok was literally shaking with excitement from whatever news he had to tell us. While Hoseok and Namjoon talked about Hoseok's date with the a co-worker from his dance studio, I opened my email for the file Hoseok sent me to finish off the song.

 While Hoseok and Namjoon talked about Hoseok's date with the a co-worker from his dance studio, I opened my email for the file Hoseok sent me to finish off the song

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Finally after even more hours of work, we finally finished the song for our client and sent it off to receive our pay. I needed the money like ASAP because my land lord has been on my ass about my rent. I'm glad I got enough to pay it on time this month. I really hate people, and I wish I could avoid them at all costs, but I started thinking I needed a roommate to help pay the rent. I have an extra room so that would be no problem, and if I didn't want to deal with them I could just go to my room. It's going to be hard finding one because I don't trust people so easily. "Hyung did you hear me?" I snapped out of my thoughts to look at Namjoon next to me at his desk. "No." "Dammit hyung I was talking for like 10 minutes." Namjoon shouted. "Ok and?" He sighed and just continued what he was saying. "I was asking if you were going out with us tonight? Jin invited some of his friends to drink with us tonight at the club."

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