So wrong but so good (M)

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So there will be some triggering things in this chapter, but then again this entire story will be a trigger. If you don't like it, don't read. Simple. I don't want to hear people complaining in the comments about my story. If it's not for you just move on. I will explain a couple of things Yoongi did to Jimin at the end of this chapter. For the others who will stay enjoy.

Yoongi's POV

I know I shouldn't be doing what I'm doing, but I just can't help myself. Jimin's insides are so soft, hot, and oh so tight. He's basically gripping onto me with his naughty hole, not letting go what so ever. I glance down looking Jimin into his dazed eyes. For some reason his eyes are open, but they're glazed over like he's high or something. I can't stop my hips from slamming into his, grunting with every thrust. I want more of him, I want to hear him. I angel myself trying to find that special spot deep inside him. I try and try and finally I knew I found it once he releases the most beautiful moan I've ever heard. 

I leaned down to kiss his neck, biting gently not to leave any marks, even though I desperately want to. His skin is so smooth and a beautiful tan peachy color. I want to mark him so bad, but I hold myself back sucking gently. I grab his legs roughly pulling them over my shoulders, thrusting into his tight hole even harder and faster. 

I glance down seeing how hard and red his adorable dick is. Jimin's dick isn't small at all don't get me wrong, it's just not as big as mine. I can feel myself getting close, so I pull out pumping my dick fast, releasing my cum all over his naked chest. He was sweating so badly I thought he had a fever, so I removed the rest of his clothes. Looking at Jimin dazed out and sleeping the way he is causes me to get hard once more. How can someone look so beautiful while being fucked? 

I run my fingers through my cum off of Jimin's chest, slowly pushing my fingers inside his mouth. I didn't expect him to, but to my surprise he starts to lick my fingers clean like it was his last meal. I groan from him working his tongue around my fingers, and an idea pops into my head. I pull my fingers out of his sinful mouth, rubbing them in my cum once more taking the rest in my hand. I rub my own cum over my dick, coating it all over until it glistens in the moonlight. Once I'm satisfied with my work I climb up Jimin's limp boy, my legs on either side of his head.

I place my hand on his plump lips, rubbing my thumb against the bottom one before pushing his jaw down, opening his mouth. Once it's open wide enough I slip my throbbing and leaking dick into his mouth. Just like my fingers, he begins to lick all over my dick, swirling his tongue in the most beautiful way. I rub my hand through his hair as if to encourage him. I let a groan slip through my mouth from his work, but it's not enough. 

I fist his hair between my fingers tightly, pushing his head further up my length. He takes me halfway before his throat constricts causing an amazing pleasure to shot up my body, down to my toes. 

"Ahh y-yeah pretty boy. J-Just like t-that." I fully grab Jimin's head with both my hands forcing my full length down his throat. So he doesn't have gag reflex? I smirk. Good to know. I start to ram my dick back and forth into his face, his saliva dripping down the sides of his mouth. I can also see tears in the corners of his eyes, but it only fuels me even more. I ram into his mouth harder, groaning as I feel the pit in my stomach unwinding. 

"F-Fuck baby. I'm s-so close." I pump into him even more letting a growl slip from my parted lips as I cum right down his throat. He swallows it all with no  hesitation my body trembling from the over stimulation. I'm not done just yet. I pull my half hard dick out of his mouth sliding back down between his legs.

"One more baby. Can you handle that?" I smile at his sleeping face his eyes finally closed completely. I lean down kissing him deeply my tongue sliding into his mouth. I can taste myself on his lips, but I don't mind at all. He pushes his own tongue into mine, whimpering from the feel of our mixing saliva. I started to suck on his tongue causing him to mewl in his sleep. 

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