Be Mine?

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Third Person's POV

It was the next morning, the sun shining down right into Jimin's face. He didn't want to wake up, and didn't even want to get out of bed, but because of the sun shining into his face, he sat up in bed wincing in pain. He held out his head closing his eyes close tightly, the pain pounding like a thousand drums.

"Good morning mochi. Are you ok?" Jin walked over to the bed placing his forehead on Jimin's to check his temperature. "It doesn't look like you have a fever. What's the matter baby?"

"I just have a headache that's all. Can you bring me something please?" Jimin opened his eyes to see Yoongi standing in the doorway with worry written all over his face. Jin noticed Jimin's line of sight, turning around to also see Yoongi. He smiled to himself. Jin was happy someone else was worried about the small boy just like him. He could see another emotion between the two, but decided to let them figure that out on their own. He stood up leaning down to kiss Jimin's forehead. 

"I'll bring you some breakfast once it's ready, until then I'll get you some painkillers." Jimin nodded at Jin's words, but continued to stare at the taller man in the doorway. Jin smiled once more before walking towards the door pass Yoongi. He pushed Yoongi forward a little, whispering into his ear, "Comfort him. He needs you." before leaving the room completely, closing the door behind him. 

Yoongi and Jimin realized they were alone and both looked away from each other, a blush on both members cheeks. It was quiet for a while until both of them tried to speak at the same time.

"How are you feeling?"

"Good morning."

Jimin giggled while Yoongi chuckled at each other. They both wanted to melt hearing the others laugh. 

"You go first hyung." 

"How are you feeling?" Yoongi walked towards Jimin until he sat down next to him in the bed.

"I'm fine-"

"Jimin." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's small hand into his large one, rubbing his thumb across the youngers small knuckles cutting off his words. "Honestly." Jimin squeezed Yoongi's hand for comfort.

"I'm still shaken up, but I'm fine hyung, really." Jimin smiled, but Yoongi could tell it was forced. He used his other hand to stroke Jimin's cheek lovingly.

"Don't do that Minnie. If you're happy THEN you smile, if you're sad then cry. I don't want you to force yourself if you're still scared." Jimin doesn't know why, but his tears started to pour out of him. Maybe it was Yoongi's soft touches, or his sweet words of encouragement. Either way Jimin was still scared, but Yoongi made him feel safe and happy. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the small boy, pulling his head into his chest, letting him cry his heart out. His shirt was beginning to soak in his tears, but he didn't mind at all.

"Let it out baby. It's ok, I'm here." Jimin squeezed onto Yoongi's shirt tighter as he hiccuped and sniffled in his arms.

"I'm s-scared hyung. I d-don't want t-to see them again. W-What am I s-suppose to do?" It broke Yoongi's heart to have to listen to Jimin cry like this. It was so painful Yoongi almost cried with the boy, but held back. He had to be strong for Jimin right now. 

"We'll figure something out baby. I promise. We can tell someone at your school, and maybe get them expelled or something." Jimin looked up at Yoongi, his puffy cheeks tinted pink, his nose a bright red, and his eyes filled with tears. 

"Y-You really t-think that would work?"

"Of course baby. After what those bastards did, there's no way the school would let them stay there." Jimin's heart swelled with happiness hearing Yoongi talk about helping him. He snuggled under Yoongi's neck enjoying his sweet musky scent. It was a comforting smell that made his heart beat fast. 

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