JinMin (Slight M)

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Jin's POV

"Ahhh dammit Namjoon be careful." I whined in pain when Joonie started to rub ointment on my bare ass. It stopped burning, but it was still really sensitive.

"Calm down princess. I already told you about mouthing off to daddy. You know I have to do this so you won't feel too much pain, or scar up. It's to help you baby, you know that." I nod whimpering a little when he touches my other sore cheek with his ointment filled hand.

"I'm s-sorry daddy." He chuckles, finishing up the task he was focused on, before grabbing a towel to wipe his hand clean. He helped me put on a new set of underwear (being my soft lacy white panties), and helped pull some sweats on.

"It's ok baby. I know you can be a brat even with the after care. Once we get home, how about we take a nice warm bath together." I nod smiling as I wrap my arms around his neck, pecking his soft lips. 

"I would love that daddy. Can you carry me?" He nuzzles my neck, kissing me gently, as he picks me up bridal style in his arms.

"Anything for my love." I blush hiding my face under his neck. I can never get used to how sweet Joonie is to me. Sometimes I think I don't deserve him or this happiness after what I did to Jimin. Even though we talked about it, I still feel horrible about it and I hate myself sometimes. I guess my mood change was really noticeably because Joonie hugged my tighter. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

I shake my head holding onto him tighter. "I-It's nothing. I'm j-just so happy I h-have you." He smiles pulling me from under his neck to leave a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I'M the lucky one to have you princess. Now dry that beautiful face of yours, daddy's going to pamper you once when home." I smiled as my heart swelled with joy. I'll tell Joonie everything when it's time. Right now I don't want this happiness to end.


Jimin's POV

Jin hyung finally came out of his office, but he was being held in Namjoon hyungs arms. I already knew what they did in his office. It's so obvious, but I pretended not to know once Jin hyung handed me the store keys and asked me to close up the restaurant. We only had one more hour to go so I took them. They were about to walk out but Jin hyung called out to me.

"Also I need you to come to my place after work. I need to talk to you about something important." Important? Was something really wrong with Jin hyung. I just nodded agreeing to show up once Felix, Tae, and I cleaned and locked up the restaurant. I wonder if everything is ok with Jin hyung? He seemed fine other than looking like a completely fucked mess, but I was still a little worried about what he had to talk to me about.

I didn't think much of it anymore once more customers started coming in. I still had to do my job, so whatever it was could wait until I came over.


After the hour more of work we finally cleaned everything up and closed the restaurant. Felix's friend Changbin came to pick him up, to take him home, and Kookie came for Tae. I was the last one so I headed to my car to leave once the other two were gone. I went home first to shower and changed into some more comfortable clothes before heading over to Jin hyung's. What I didn't expect t see was Yoongi hyung's car also parked in the drive way. Why was hyung here as well? It must be really important if Jin hyung called Yoongi hyung.

Oh my God, what if Yoongi is kicking me out!! Did I do something wrong?!? Did I break a house rule?!? All these thoughts and more ran through my head as I knocked on Jin hyung's door. Namjoon hyung opened the door, but he looked off when he saw me. He had this look of sadness in his eyes, making my heart beat even harder. I'm so confused on what's going on, but when I walked in the living room seeing Jihoon sitting next to Yoongi hyung crying everything clicked. 

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