Bonus Chapter (Part 3)

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Third Person's POV

Jaehyun was nervous to meet up with Ren, and it's because he planned to confess to his crush tonight at their sleep over. He wanted to act normal until it was the perfect time, but his heart was racing like crazy.

"Jaehyun sweetie, are you ok?" Jimin looked back at his younger son, as Yoongi drove to drop him off at Ren's house. Jaehyun squeezed the small box in his pocket trying to calm down, as they got closer to their destination. He nodded to reassure his worried mom.

"I'm fine mom. I'm just nervous." Jimin looked at his son confused, but then it clicked.

"Oh my goodness, are confessing?!?" Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his romantic mother, but smiled nonetheless.

"Yes. I've liked Ren since we were kids, and I've thought about it a lot. At first I didn't know what the feeling was in my chest when I saw him smile at other guys, or if other guys tried to talk to him, but I realized I was jealous. I didn't like Ren showing anyone his adorable smile, and I didn't like the guys that made him smile. I don't know if Ren feels the same for me, and I'm scared I might ruin our friendship, but I'm willing to take that risk if I can have him to myself." Jaehyun opened his eyes after his small story, just to see his mother crying his eyes out.

"I'm so proud of you baby. I'm sure Ren feels the same way. I'm glad you're following your heart."

"Let's just hope Jonghyun is doing the same." Yoongi finally spoke up. Jaehyun chuckled.

"I'm sure that idiot already confessed by now." Yoongi pulled up to Tae and Kook's house, watching as they packed their car. Yoongi and Jimin climbed out the car to greet their friends. Tae and Jimin hugged happily catching up, as Yoongi walked over to help Kook.

"So what's going on?" Yoongi asked his younger friend.

"Ren threw a full fit about us leaving the house for the weekend, crying saying he wanted to spend the weekend with Jaehyun." Yoongi just laughed at his friend.

"Don't worry. Jonghyun was the same way, minus the fit. He was pretty embarrassed though when he asked us to leave. So where are you two going for your trip anyway?" Before Jungkook could answer his friend, Tae and Jimin both squealed, hugging each other happily. Yoongi and Jungkook looked at their wives weirdly.

"What's going on?" Yoongi asked, kissing Jimin's temple.

"Tae and Kookie are going to Italy for their trip as well." Both Yoongi and Jungkook groaned at the thought. They both wanted to spend time alone with their lover. Tae and Jimin pouted.

"We won't spend time together?" Tae's eyes filled with tears.

"We won't have fun?" Jimin's lip wobbled.

Yoongi and Jungkook looked at each other then back at their lovers.

"I guess we can spend time together for this trip."

"Just this time for now." Tae and Jimin hugged each other, jumping happily. Jaehyun just rolled his eyes at his family, walking past them to go inside the house. Ren ran into him, trying to say goodbye to his parents, looking up at Jaehyun and blushing.

"I-I'm sorry Jaehyun. I wasn't w-watching were I was g-going." Jaehyun rubbed Ren's cheek gently, making sure he was ok. Ren turned an even darker red, his cheeks heating up from the soft touch.

"Are you ok Ren?" Ren looked down shyly, nodding.

"I'm o-otay." Ren covered his face embarrassed. "I mean I'm o-ok. Oh my goodness." Jaehyun laughed out loud, and Ren couldn't help but to smile from the sound. He loved hearing his crush laugh.

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