Saved (M)

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(A/N: Another trigger for the rape scenes and other triggering things, if you don't like it don't read it.)

Jimin's POV


My heart was beating so fast, I didn't want Yoongi to hear me right now. I didn't want him to even see me like this. I prayed he wouldn't be the one to find me just so he can't see me like this, but hearing his voice. It hurts so much, but deep down, I am happy to hear him. I want to be back in his arms, and to kiss him whenever I want because I know I can. 

"Jimin baby, are you ok? Where are you? Please answer me." I just sit there stunned. I don't know what to say. If I try to ask for help, what will happen? Will Yoongi get hurt because of me? What if they kill him because of me?

"Jimin please. You can't do this to me. Please say something. Where are you? I just want to know you're ok right now?" He sounds so....sad. This isn't the cocky Yoongi I know. He sounds so broken. It's my fault isn't it? I shakily take the phone from Leeteuk's hand with permission from him.


"Oh thank God. Pretty boy where are you? Are you ok?" I shake my head even though I know he can't see me. I want to scream for him to come help me, but what if he doesn't want me anymore. If he sees me he'll be so disgusted with how I look. 

"Y-Yoongi. I'm s-scared."

"I know baby. I'm going to come get you ok? Just tell me where you are."

"N-No. You won't w-want me a-anymore. You'll t-think I'm g-gross. You'll b-be-" Yoongi talks over me cutting of my words.

"No sweetheart. I'll never think that about you, I'll always want you, and I'll always be there for you." My tears flow out even more, but with so much joy from Yoongi's words. I love him so much. I have to tell him. I need to get out of here so I can. 

"Yoongi I-" Suddenly the phone is snatched from my hands from Leeteuk.

"That's enough of that dammit." He puts the phone up to his ear about to speak, when I try to take the phone from him, but he hits me with the butt of the gun like many other times before. I can feel my eye swell up immediately and it hurts so bad. I can also feel my head throbbing from the pain.

"Hello Mr. Min. Nice to speak with you." 

"Who the fuck are you?!? What do you want with Jimin?!?"

"Whoa calm down there lover boy. We were just borrowing him." I can hear Yoongi yelling on the other line, but I don't know what he is saying. Whatever it was caused Leeteuk to chuckled darkly. "Money? I have plenty of that. What I want," He glances at me putting his gun down just to pick up his knife he had earlier. I shake just seeing the already bloody blade. He's going to cut me again. I don't want that. "Is to see him come completely undone."

"What the fuck does that mean?!? You better not touch him!!" 

"Just listen while I take the one you care about the most." Leeteuk puts my phone on speaker and sets it next to the bed on the small table. He climbs up to me my hands pushing him back. He nods to his friends, and as if on command like the dogs they are, they walk over to me pulling me down on my stomach. I flail around trying to pull away until I feel the blade of the knife dig into my back. I scream out in pain as he carves my back up in some design.

"Jimin!!! Leave him alone you son of a bitch!!! I'll fucking kill you, you piece of shit!!  I can hear Yoongi screaming for Jin, and something about the police. I can hear him running around on the other end of the phone as well. I try to focus on anything but the pain on my back, but it doesn't work at all. Finally after what seems like hours, the blade leaves my back. Leeteuk hangs up on Yoongi picking my phone back up. I can hear a faint click sound before Leeteuk puts my phone back on the bedside table.

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