You're mine, my precious

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Jimin's POV

"...min. ...min. JIMIN!!" I snapped out of my day dream of me and Yoongi on the Ferris Wheel last weekend. I was so lost in thought, that I didn't hear Tae calling my name.

"Sorry Tae, what were you saying?" Tae sighed clearly annoyed, but continued to talk anyway even though we were in the middle of class.

"You never told me what happened to you and Yoongi, after the haunted house. You guys just disappeared on us, and then just called to tell everyone you had left already. So what happened?"

Just the thought of me and Yoongi on the Ferris Wheel had my heart fluttering with joy once more, but my cheeks also heating up from the thought of the kiss as well.

"Well after the haunted house Yoongi said he wanted to take me on one more ride before we left the park, and he grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. I was so happy just from holding his hand I didn't care where he would take me." 

I finished explaining everything that happened to Tae. The ride, the adorable teddy bear, the kiss, all the way to Yoongi asking me to be his boyfriend. 

"YOU'RE DATING YOONGI HYUNG?!?" Everyone glances at us, while the teacher shushes us. I glare at Tae and he just gives me a shy smile. We continue our conversation, but make sure to stay quiet.

"Yes, we're dating now, and I'm so happy. I never really dated anyone or felt this way about anyone before." Tae smiles at me as I keep talking about Yoongi. I glance at him smiling as well.


"You're in love." I blushed stuttering from his words.

"W-What are t-talking about? I d-don't love Yoongi h-hyung."

"Yeah, and Kookie hasn't taking me in the boys bathroom today." I could hear his sarcasm, but was still thrown off a little from his sentence.

"Wait, you guys do it in the boys bathroom?!?"

"That's not the point. We're focusing on you Jimin hyung." Before I could say anything else, our dance teacher Taemin called me to the front. It was my turn to show off my dance I've been practicing so hard on. I wasn't nervous at all. I love to dance, and it's always been with me through everything hard in my life. 

I breathed in and out calmly getting into my position before the song started. As I danced I noticed more people, who weren't even part of our class showed up to watch me dance. It was normal at this point. I just don't know how they always knew when it is my turn to dance, until I saw Tae holding his phone out recording me. I made a mental note to ask him about that later, but right now I had to focus on my dance. 

Once I finished, all I could hear was screaming and cheering, my heart fluttering with pride as I panted trying to catch my breath. I look around the room to see all the newcomers clapping and cheering for me, noticing Jihoon next to Tae clapping and screaming 'Jimin hyung' as loud as he can. Our teacher Taemin finally had enough of all the rowdy kids, shooing away everyone who wasn't in our class. I went back to my seat next to Tae, noticing Jihoon hiding behind him.

"Jihoon don't you have your own class to go to?" I question him. He just smiles shaking his head from side to side.

"Nope. When you're in your dance class, I'm out of classes for the day. I love to come watch. You really are amazing Jimin hyung." I blush from his compliment, but it does make me happy to hear someone enjoys my dancing.

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