Epilogue (Final) (M)

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Third Person's POV

5 years later

"Yoonie, hurry. We're going to be late. Jonghyun hurry up and get dressed, I have to get your brother ready." Jonghyun ran into their big living room, trying to show his mama what a big boy he was.

"Mama wook. I dressed meself." Jimin giggled when he saw Jonghyun's outfit. He had his small head sticking out of the arm sleeve of his soft and fluffy sweater, his arm in the place where his head would go. His little jeans were backwards, and not properly zipped up.

"Jonghyun baby, that's not right. Your head goes here, and your arms goes here, your pants are also backwards." Jonghyun pouted, his little lip sticking out, looking just like a younger Yoongi. Their second son Jaehyun waddled over to Jimin, not being able to walk that well, since he was only 1 years old. Jaehyun fell over, falling onto his big brother. Jonghyun smiled, helping his little brother up, kissing his forehead, and rubbing his hair.

"Pain go bye bye." Jonghyun threw his hands up in the air, making it look like the pain flew away. Jaehyun giggled clapping his tiny hands at his brother. Jimin loved how close his sons were despite their age gap. Jonghyun loved his little brother more than anything in the world, and Jaehyun loved his big brother. Yoongi walked into the room, straightening his tie to finish up his suit.

"Dada, dada." Jonghyun ran to Yoongi, Yoongi picking his son up, spinning him around as they both laughed.

"Yoonie can you get him ready? I have to get Jaehyun ready. Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung will be here soon." As soon as Jimin spoke their names, the couple knocked on the door. Jimin sighed letting them into their home.

"Aww Mochi, aren't you as beautiful as ever?" Jin hugged Jimin happily, making the younger blush shyly.

"Mom don't do that. It's embarrassing." Namjoon walked up, pulling Jin off of Jimin.

"Ok, ok princess, you can baby Jimin after tonight. They have to finish getting ready." Jin pouted, but backed away, knowing Namjoon was right. Yoongi finished getting Jonghyun ready, fixing his clothes the right way, putting him down, just as Jin and Namjoon's son ran into the living room. Their son just turned 3 years old last week, and everyone had fun at his little birthday party.

"Sungjae, don't run in here baby, you have to be careful." Sungjae slowed down.

"Sowwy mama." Jonghyun stood their watching Sungjae, completely mesmerized by his beauty even at a young age. Sungjae looked at Jonghyun smiling brightly, causing Jonghyun to blush shyly. Jonghyun hid behind Jimin, blushing more as Sungjae came closer to him. Jimin and Jin smiled at each other, seeing the new budding romance between their sons. At first they didn't allow it, but once they thought about it, it was perfectly ok, since they weren't blood related at all.

"Hyun, wanna pay wif me?" Sungjae smiled more, Jonghyun blushing even more, hiding behind Jimin farther. Sungjae thought Jonghyun was rejecting him, his wide eyes filling up with tears. Jonghyun ran away as Sungjae began to cry, leaving Jin to try to comfort him.

"It's ok baby, he's just shy."

"Hyun h-hates m-me." Sungjae cried in his mom's arms. Jonghyun came back into the living room, pulling Sungjae's small shirt. Sungjae stood in front of a blushing Jonghyun, Jonghyun holding his hands behind his back. The adults watched the cute exchange between their sons. Jonghyun pulled out a small white flower, handing it to Sungjae as he fidgeted in place.

"I s-sorry Sunnie. I didn't mean m-make you crwy." Sungjae stared at the flower, his own cheeks turned a slight pink as he grabbed it, smiling his happy bright smile again. Sungjae kissed Jonghyun on the lips.

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