Pool balls hit each other. Glasses clinked together. Laughter and conversation filled the bar. Jessica slowly spun her drink. Her head rested on her left hand. She was bored. Depressed. Tired. Jessica needed happiness. But how? How could she be happy? After what she saw happen to her friend Rachel, she could never be happy.
"Rachel!" Jessica took off her jacket. "I'm back from the store! Sorry I'm late!"
There was no reply.
"Rachel?" Jessica slowly made her way upstairs. Once she reached the top step, there was a loud scream.
"Rachel!" Jessica ran towards the scream. She pushed the door open to Charlie's room. He was smiling and cooing. There was no sign of Rachel.
Jessica walked towards Charlie's crib and smiled at him.
"Where's mommy? Huh?" Jessica felt something wet hit her forehead. She ignored it and sighed. Then, she felt the wetness again. Jessica wiped her forehead and looked at her fingers. They were red.
"What the-" Jessica looked up towards the source of the red drops. She screamed when she saw her friend up on the ceiling. Her stomach was cut and bleeding.
"Rachel!" Jessica screamed. Suddenly, flames came out of the ceiling and hugged Rachel's body. Jessica grabbed Charlie and ran out of the nursery. She ran out the front door and a few feet away from the burning house. Jessica began to sob. Charlie began to cry.
"You want another one?" The bar tender snapped Jessica out of her thoughts.
"No thanks, I'm good. I think I should go." Jessica payed for her drink and grabbed her jacket. She pushed the bar stool back, grabbed her duffel bag, and got up. Jessica made her way through the crowded bar and outside. The cold Colorado air kissed Jessica's skin. Her breath came out in small puffs. Jessica had been in Manning Colorado for awhile. She had a tight lead on the demon that killed her friend. Jessica needed to get the Colt. That way, she could put an end to this demon once and for all. The only problem was that Jessica had no idea where the Colt was.
Jessica stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets and began to walk to the nearest motel. Once she got there, there were two men walking into their motel room.
Jessica walked towards the motel manager. He was locking the doors.
"Excuse me!" Jessica ran towards the man. "I need a room." She pushed the duffel bag strap back onto her shoulder.
"Sorry ma'am, there are no more rooms."
"What?!" Jessica exclaimed. "There's barely anyone here! How could there not be anymore rooms?"
"Look, I'm tired, I don't sleep here, I just want to go home." The manager began to walk away.
"I need a room!" Jessica stepped in front of the manager. She heard footsteps behind her but ignored them.
"Ma'am, get out of my way."
"Not until I get a room." Jessica stood her ground.
"Don't make me call the cops." The manager said.
Jessica laughed.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanfictionJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...