"Dean," Jessica looked at the man. "You gotta help me. I need to wake up. I want to wake up." Dean didn't respond. "Please!"
Suddenly, there was a low rumbling sound. Jessica looked out the door confused.
"What is that?" Jessica stepped out into the hallway. As soon as she did, something whooshed passed her. She flinched.
"Please don't be a demon." Jessica whispered as she began to follow the strange creature.
Jessica walked passed a door and heard the creature pass behind her. She turned around and followed it.
The woman from the front desk was on the ground gasping for air.
"Somebody, help!" Jessica screamed. Nobody heard her. "HELP!"
The woman called out for help. Then, she stopped.
"No," Jessica gasped. "No. No!" Jessica ran back towards Johns room and found Sam and Dean in there.
"Guys, you gotta bring me back. There's something in this hospital!"
Nobody heard her.
"GUYS?!" Jessica screamed. She still got no response.
"You're quiet." John said to Sam. He had a bag on his shoulder.
Sam turned around and slammed the bag down.
"You think I wouldn't find out?"
"What are you talking about?" John asked.
"That stuff from Bobby." Sam said. "You don't use that stuff to ward off a demon—you use it to summon one! You're planning on bringing it here, aren't you."
"Guys." Dean and Jessica said in unison. "Don't fight."
Neither of them listened.
"I have a plan Sam."
"That's exactly my point!" Sam shouted. "Jessica is dying and you have a plan!" Sam shook his head. "You care more about killing this demon than you do saving Jessica."
"Guys, Stop!" Jessica looked at Sam and John. "Not now, come on."
"Do not tell me how I feel!" John yelled. "I am doing this for Jessica!"
"How?" Sam looked at his father. "How is revenge gonna help her? You're not thinking about anybody but yourself. It's the same selfish obsession!"
"Knock it off!" Jessica looked at Sam.
"That's funny." John started. "I thought this was your obsession too. This demon killed your mother, killed your girlfriend. You begged me to be part of this hunt! Now if you killed that damn thing when you had the chance, none of this would have happened."
"It was possessing you!" Sam yelled. "I would have killed you too!"
"Yeah, and Jessica would've been awake by now!" John yelled.
"Shut up! Both of you!" Dean yelled. Still, they didn't listen.
"Go to hell." Sam said.
"I should've never taken you along in the first place." John said. "I knew it was a mistake."
"Shut up!" Jessica's hand flew towards the glass of water on Johns tray. It flew off and shattered on the ground. Everyone was quiet now. Jessica looked at her hands and smiled.
Suddenly, the rumbling sound came back. Jessica began to feel something in her stomach. She fell to her knees and groaned in pain.
Nurses and doctors were running towards Jessica's room again. Something was happening.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanficJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...