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Jessica was sitting in the bathroom of her motel room. She was stitching up a fresh wound on her shoulder.

It had been one year since Dean had been gone. And Jessica wasn't even close to finding Lilith. The only thing she was close to was insanity. Every day and night Sam was calling her. He wanted to know where she was. He wanted her to stop this at once and come back to Bobby's. But Jessica wasn't going too. Not until she found Lilith.


"I'm only going to ask one more time, Mark. Where's Lilith!"

A man was tied up to a chair in an old warehouse. Dried blood was all over him.

"I don't know where she is!" Mark yelled.

Jessica pulled out a flask of holy water. She popped off the cap and splashed the demon. He screamed in agony.

"TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!" Jessica screamed.

"I already told you!" Mark yelled.

Jessica eyed Mark. She knew he was hiding something.

"Oh, Mark. I know you're hiding something from me. Come on, spit it out."

Mark eyed Jessica evilly. Then, he spit on her.

Jessica chuckled. She wiped her face with her coat sleeve. "Alright, I guess our little chat is over."  Jessica took out a piece of paper and read the words.

"AHH!" Mark screamed. His hands clutched the chair. This woman was exorcising him.

"You've been a waste of my time." Jessica finished the exorcism. the man slumped in the chair, lifeless.

Jessica began to head for the door. Just then, her phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

"Jess—" Sam didn't even get to finish his sentence for Jessica had closed her phone and hung up on him.

Jessica neared her vehicle and grabbed out her leather gloves. She placed her helmet onto her head and started up her 2008 Honda 919 motorcycle. She loved the way it sounded. Music to her ears.

Jessica launched herself into the night. The wind played with her hair. If only Dean were here. She'd have the time of her life.


Sam was putting on his shirt when a knock sounded at his motel door.

"Stay there." Sam told the girl in his room. She was putting her clothes back on as well.

Sam opened the door and stood there like a stone. Standing in front of him was his brother. Behind him was Bobby.

"Hey Sammy." Dean smiled.

At first, Sam didn't react. He didn't know how too. But then, Sam whipped out the demon blade and went to attack Dean.

"Whoa whoa whoa!" Bobby held Sam back. "It's him, Sam. It's Dean."

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asked quickly.

"I've checked," Bobby said. "I've done everything."

Sam looked at Dean. Then, tears streamed down his face. "Dean?" Sam moved towards his brother and embraced him in a tight hug.

"Where's Jessica?" Dean asked as he pulled away from his brother.

"I don't know." Sam said. "She disappeared two days after your death. She's been going after Lilith for a whole year now."

"Wait, Jessica's been going after Lilith?!"

"I've been looking for her." Sam replied. "But every time I get close, she just disappears. I've called Jessica but she never answers."

"Try again." Dean said.

"Dean you don't under—"

"Try again." Dean replied.

Sam nodded his head and got out his phone. He dialed Jessica's number and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" Jessica answered.

"Jess—" Sam sighed when Jessica hung up on him.

"Well?" Dean asked.

"She hung up on me." Sam replied.

Dean sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

"Is there anywhere she might go?" Dean asked.

Sam thought about all the possible locations. Then, he lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I might know a place."


Jessica parked her bike close to her motel room. She had been staying in her hometown of Shepherdsville Kentucky.

Jessica took off her helmet and almost dropped it. To the right of her bike was the Impala.

"Hell no." Jessica tightened her grip on her helmet and quickly walked towards her room. She unlocked her door and threw it open. Sitting on the bed was Sam. His head whipped towards the door.

"What are you doing here!" Jessica seethed. "I told you I wasn't coming back until Lilith was found and killed!"

"You could've gotten yourself killed!" Sam yelled. "I've been trying to find you so I could stop you!"

"Well, I wasn't going to stop!" Jessica yelled back. "I—" Jessica shut her mouth. Tears started to burn her vision. "I just need to do this. I'm sorry Sam. But you need to let me go." Jessica turned her back on Sam and walked towards the open door. Jessica flinched when the door slammed shut in front of her. But, she froze when she saw the man standing beside the door.

"Hey Jess." Dean smiled. He stepped forwards. Jessica stepped back.

"No." Jessica's voice shook. "No no no you can't be... you can't be alive."

"Wow," Dean smiled. "I thought you'd be happy to see me."

Jessica stopped walking backwards. She thought that maybe this was some sort of trick. A demon, a shifter. But, it wasn't. It was truly Dean.

"Dean?" Jessica looked at the man with glassy eyes. "It's—it's really you?"

"The one and only." Dean smiled.

Jessica smiled and let out a shaky laugh. She ran towards Dean and embraced him. Then, Jessica pulled away and kissed Dean.

"Ahem." Sam cleared his throat. The two love birds pulled apart.

"We've got an actual situation here." Sam said.

"What's that?" Jessica asked.

"We need to find out how Dean came back from the dead."

"Oh..." Jessica looked at Dean. She hadn't thought about that.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]Where stories live. Discover now