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Jessica woke up the next day with the blanket wrapped around her shoulders. She lifted her head up and stretched.

"What'd I miss?" Jessica asked as she stared at Frank and Dean. They were both sitting at the computers.

"Nothing much." Dean turned around to face his wife. "Just a woman named Amanda Willer. She works for Dick Roman."

"Wow, that doesn't surprise me." Jessica took the blanket off of her shoulders and stood next to Dean.

"Apparently they're about to build something." Dean said.

"Like what?" Jessica asked.

Frank looked up at Jessica. "We don't know. We just have to watch and see what happens."

"Well, that's boring." Jessica brought up a chair and sat next to Dean.

"That's what I said." Dean replied.

"Is there anyway we can speed this up?" Jessica placed her head on her hand.

Frank looked at the girl flatly.

"Sam's calling..." Dean took out his phone and listened to the voice mail.

"Oh no." Dean sighed.

"What is it?" Jessica asked.

Dean looked at her and then quickly went back to his phone. "Sam?" There was silence. "Who's this?" He froze.

"Dean, is everything okay?" Jessica asked.

"We need to go after Sam." Dean grabbed his jacket and motioned for Jessica to follow him. "Frank, keep me posted. If anything happens you call me, got it?"

Frank grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, let's go." Jessica and Dean rushed out of the RV and to their car. Once they got in, Dean started the vehicle and took off down the road.


Dean and Jessica arrived at an apartment complex. They climbed a set of stairs and stopped at a door. Dean knocked.

"Oh, it's you." A girl about twelve to fourteen years old answered the door.

Dean and Jessica walked inside.

"Did Sam tell you where he was going?" The girl asked.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Dean replied. "What did you tell him?"

"Uh... he checked my dads room." The girl motioned towards a room down the hall.

Dean and Jessica walked towards the room. The girl followed behind them.

As Dean looked around the room, he noticed that the girl was still there.

"Look, I really don't have time to hold your hand here, so—"

"What are you saying?" The girl asked.

"I'm saying go wait in the living room. Your dad may not want you to know every single thing about him." 

She leaned against the door frame and put a hand on her hip. Dean rolled his eyes and walked towards the closet. He flung the doors open and moved some clothes out of the way. He sighed once he saw a ripped piece of paper tacked to the wall.

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