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A few days later, Sam was asking Jessica for help. Along with a few other people. They all were chipping in to save Dean. With the book of the damned.

He didn't even know that the book hadn't burned. He didn't even know Jessica was helping Sam. Along with Castiel, Charlie and Rowena.

As Sam went on a hunt with Dean. Jessica was left to help out with the gang.

"So, you're Dean's wife?" Rowena asked with a smirk.


"Huh." The woman went back to the book of the damned.

Jessica shrugged the woman's attitude off and walked over towards Charlie.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Ugh!" Charlie groaned. "It was going fine until 'wicked witch of the west' over there started talking. Non stop bitching!"

"Well, just focus on your work right now. Not her, ok?"

Charlie nodded her head.

Suddenly, Jessica's phone began to ring.


"Jess, where are you?" Dean asked.

"Oh, um... you know, uh, just visiting a friend."


"Gotta go, love you! Bye!"

Jessica quickly hung up.


"Is he on to us?" Charlie asked.

"Let's hope not."


Hours had passed by and all work had stoppered. Now Charlie and Rowena were arguing.

"Let me focus!" Charlie yelled.

"The greatest witches of history have sought my counseling. Yet you spurn me when I offer myself as a collaborator!" Rowena shot back.

"Oh, my god! This is—" Charlie growled with frustration.

Castiel was in a room on the phone with Sam. He was trying to get the man to come over.

Meanwhile, Jessica was trying to get Rowena and Charlie to stop fighting.

"Hey hey! Stop it! Enough!"

Both woman looked at the angel.

"Charlie, what is the matter?"

"What's the matter?! This woman is bothering me, telling me what to do when I know how to do it!"

"Oh! Excuse me for trying to help!" Rowena crossed her arms over her chest.

"You're not helping! You're frying my brain to little bits!"

"Ok ok ok!" Jessica held up her hands. "Please stop! You both are giving me a headache."

Castiel came out of the room and walked over to Rowena.

"Move." He ordered as he grabbed ahold of the witches chains.

Rowena huffed and moved towards another room.

Charlie sighed.

"I just need somewhere quiet!"

Jessica looked at her friend.

"I can help with that."

"Really? But, what about Castiel? Wouldn't he be—"

"He'll be just fine. Don't worry." Jessica smiled.

"Now, how about we get you out of here?"


As soon as Castiel was done chaining up Rowena in a different room, he walked out to talk to Charlie.

Except charlie was no where to be found. Nor was Jessica.

"Oh no." Cas breathed.


Sam and Dean had just lost Eldon Styne. The man had practically ripped off his arm just to escape.

Dean slammed the door shut and walked down the stairs.

"Hey, any sign of him?" Sam asked.

"Lots of signs—just no him." He walked over to his brother.

"I followed the blood trail. Which, by the way, was like the Mississippi—till it ran dry."

"Meaning what? He bled out?"

"Meaning that the trail stopped. Vanished. Nada. He sure must have thought he was gonna win that one, 'cause, phew, was he gabby."

Dean walked by his brothers side.

"Well, I've been going through everything we have on the Frankensteins, and it's just like Eldon said. I mean, 1,000 years of nasty. They made a ton mopping up the Black Plague. They started the hundred years war." Sam tapped his fingers on the table.

"You know," Dean started. "I thought, 'man, there's a lot of them Stynes.' You know, it's like, alpha-male central. And then I thought—and this is key—I thought, 'this is bad, but it would really blow if these guys had the book. At least they don't have the damn book.'"

"Yeah. Yeah." Sam cleared his throat.

Dean lowered himself to his brothers level.

"At least the book burned. Right, Sam?"

Sam nodded his head.

"But then, Eldon Frankenstein—he hits me with this little fun fact. He says that the book can't be destroyed. Says it can't be sliced, diced, shredded, burned, drowned. Cannot be destroyed. Ain't that crazy? Because... I know I saw something burn."

Sam's phone began to ring.

"Sam, you answer that, so help me..."

Sam took shaky hands and picked up his phone.


"Sam," Castiel breathed. "They're gone."

"Who's gone?"

"I've looked everywhere. Jessica and Charlie are gone."

Sam's eyes widened. What was he going to do now.

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