It was early in the morning. Sam, Dean and Jessica were gathering and packing up their stuff. They had just finished a hunt. Their targets had been a pack of werewolves.
"I'm so glad all of that stuff is over." Jessica said as she slung her bag over her shoulders. "Those wolves were insane."
"You're telling me." Sam scoffed as he walked past Jessica and out the door.
"You did pretty well today." Jessica said as she walked out of the motel with Dean.
"You weren't so bad yourself." Dean smiled.
"DEAN!" Sam yelled as he was tackled to the ground by a werewolf.
"Sam, hang on!" Jessica threw down her bag and opened it quickly. She pulled out her pistol and pulled back the hammer. Jessica aimed at the wolf and fired. The silver bullet landed in its heart.
"Mike!" A woman screamed. Jessica whipped her head towards the woman. "NO!!" The woman dashed towards Jessica and tackled her. The pistol was knocked out of Jessica's hand and slid away from her.
"You killed him!" The woman raised her right arm and brought it down towards Jessica.
"Gahh!" Jessica screamed and felt white hot pain in her shoulder. Blood seeped from her wound and pooled around her.
"Stop!" Dean shouted. He was struggling with another wolf. The man's arms tightened around Deans stomach.
The girl that was on top of Jessica raised her right arm again and went for the other shoulder. Jessica caught her arm and held it away from her.
"You killed my boyfriend you bitch!" The woman used her free arm and sliced her claws across Jessica's chest.
"NOOO!" Dean yelled and whipped his head back. The man holding him was stunned and loosened his grip. Dean pushed the man off of him and ran towards Jessica's pistol. He pulled back the hammer and aimed it at the girl that was on top of Jessica. The bullet went through the girls chest. She fell off of Jessica.
Then, dean aimed the pistol at the man and pulled back the hammer again. He fired and killed the other wolf.
"Jess!" Dean scrambled towards the girl who was gasping for air. Her body was cold as ice already. Blood was all over her.
"Ahhh." Jessica moaned in agony. Her eyes opened and closed. She was dying.
"Sam, help me!" Dean looked towards his brother, but he was gone. "Sam?!" Dean looked back at Jessica. Her body was shaking. She was trying to fight death, but it only made things worse.
"Hey, hey, look at me Jess." Dean had pulled Jessica into his lap, tears clouded his vision.
Jessica's eyes slowly opened. Her breathing was heavy and shaky.
"You're gonna be okay. Just keep fighting." Dean moved Jessica's hair out of her eyes. He couldn't lose her. Not this. Not now. "Keep your eyes open."
"I'm sorry." Jessica struggled with her words.
"No, stop. You're gonna be alright." Dean could feel the tears roll down his cheeks. His lips began to tremble. "You're gonna be okay."
Jessica reached up and caressed Dean's cheek. He leaned into the touch. Her hand was so cold.
Dean leaned down and placed his lips onto hers. A few tears fell onto Jessica's cheeks as Dean kissed her.
Jessica's hand had fallen limp. Her eyes remained closed. Her breathing had stopped.
Dean lifted his lips off of hers and looked at Jessica. "Jess?" Dean searched her for any sign of life. He got no response. "Jess..." Dean let out a small sob. He lifted his head towards the sky and cursed the people up above.
"HELP!" Dean cried out. "SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE!" Dean continued to sob. Why did this have to happen to him? Why so quickly? Why now? Why?

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanficJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...