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Jessica sat impatiently in the Impala. She was tired of sitting inside, researching for vampires. She wanted to go out and hunt this thing, or things. Instead, Jessica tapped her foot on the cars floor.

"How long does this take?" Jessica asked.

"Just, Relax." John said.

Jessica huffed and slumped in her seat. She never was the patient one.

The two Winchester boys came out of their motel room. John walked towards them and began to speak. Jessica couldn't hear their conversation. So, she looked out towards the trees. They waved in the small, cold breeze. The stars twinkled and glowed. Sometimes, Jessica always thought that the stars were winking at her. This thought made her smile slightly.

"Jessica," John was now standing in front of her. "Let's go, the boys have set down a bed for you."

"Oh," Jessica began to climb out of the Impala. "Well, what about you?"

"I'll be staying up. I don't sleep much anyway." John replied as he began to walk towards the motel room.

"I don't sleep at all." Jessica thought.

Once she was inside and the door closed behind her, Jessica looked at the bed she was supposed to sleep in. She grabbed the large comforter and pulled it off of the bed. Sam looked at her strangely.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm sleeping on the floor, you get the bed." Jessica said as she placed the large blanket on the floor.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" Sam asked.

Jessica froze. She didn't want to tell him the truth. Why she slept on the floor instead of a comfy bed. Why she always slept on her side and never looking up at the ceiling. Jessica didn't want to see her. She didn't want to see the flames on the ceiling. She didn't want to hear the screams of her friend. Jessica didn't want any of it.

"Just cause." Jessica muttered.

Sam nodded his head and walked over towards his bed. Everyone began to get situated, except for John. He sat next to the police radio. Waiting for a 9-1-1 call.

Jessica laid her head down on her pillow and slowly closed her eyes. She expected a good nights sleep. Jessica wasn't expecting to have nightmares.


"Rachel!" Jessica called out. Her voice seemed to echo throughout the house. "Rachel? Are you there?"

Jessica moved forward and almost tripped. Her right foot had touched the first step of stairs. She froze.

"Please, no." Jessica whimpered. She knew this was a dream. A dream she thought was gone.

Suddenly, Jessica was brought upstairs, the door to Charlie's room was slightly open.

"Wake up." Jessica shut her eyes tightly and opened them. She was still stuck in her nightmare.

Jessica began to hear Charlie's cries. His wailing. She knew what would happen if she went into his room. What she'd see. But, the floor underneath Jessica moved her towards Charlie's crib. He wasn't there. The only thing she saw was a giant pool of blood soaking up the silk sheets.

"It's just a dream!" Jessica shuttered. She felt the room become cold. Oh, it was so cold.

Then, Jessica felt something wet hit her forehead. She ignored it. Then it hit her again. Jessica had no control over her body. Her head moved up towards the ceiling where her best friend laid there dead, with a big, bloody gash on her stomach. Jessica screamed and sobbed. She cried out for Rachel. She cried when the flames shot out from underneath her friend and covered her body. Jessica cried because she couldn't do anything to stop it. To stop the flames. To stop her friend's death. She just cried and cried and cried.


Jessica was screaming and thrashing on the floor. Everyone had been awake for awhile. John had woken up his sons, but had let Jessica sleep more. He knew what was going on with her. But he didn't know it was this bad.

"Jessica!" John began to shake the screaming girl awake. "Jessica, wake up!"

Jessica's eyes shot open. They darted to the left and right. Her breaths came in and out quickly. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Then, Jessica's eyes rested on John. They looked behind him at the two boys who were staring at her. Both men where confused and worried.

Jessica pulled a piece of blonde hair behind her ear and quickly got up. She walked towards the door, opened it, stepped outside and closed it behind her. Dean was about to go after her when his father stopped him.

"Leave her be, she needs to deal with this alone."

"Who's Rachel?" Sam asked.

"It's not important." John said as he began to gather some items from the table. "Right now, we may have a possible lead on our vampires."

"What about Jess?" Sam asked.

"She'll meet up with us." John replied. "Right now, we need to go."

Dean sighed and grabbed his things. He followed his father outside to the Impala. The car roared to life. The back seat missing only one person. Jessica.

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