It was early in the morning. Sam, Dean and Jessica were at a crime scene near a clothing store.
"Jesus." Jessica breathed as she saw the smashed window of a car. The body was on the ground next to it. "What happened here?"
"Not sure, let's go inside, ask a few questions." Sam said. Jessica followed him.
When the two walked into the store, Dean was talking to a woman.
"Excuse us." Sam said when he walked up to his brother. The woman nodded her head and walked away. "Dean, what are you doing?"
"I'm comforting the bereaved." Dean said. Jessica scoffed which made Dean look at her.
"What?" Dean asked.
"Nothing." Jessica shook her head.
"What are you doing?" Dean asked his brother.
"Working." Sam said. Dean rolled his eyes. "You know, possible demon attack, that kind of stuff."
Dean coughed. "Sam, I'm sorry, it's just I don't have much time left, and..." Dean began to dramatically cough. "...Got to make every second count."
"Yeah. Right. Sorry." Sam said quietly.
"Apology accepted." Dean replied.
Bobby came out of the changing room and began to fix his tie. Dean whistled as he entered the room.
"Whoa, looking spiffy, Bobby. What were you, G-man?"
"Attorney for the D.A.'s office." Bobby replied. He walked past Sam and Dean. "Just spoke to the suspect."
"Yeah, So, What do you think? Is she possessed or what?" Sam asked.
Bobby shook his head. "Don't think so. There's none of the unusual signs—no blackouts, no loss of control. Totally lucid. Just, she really wanted those shoes. Spilled a glass of holy water on her just to be sure. Nothing."
"Maybe she's just some random wack job." Dean said. Jessica looked at him and rolled her eyes.
"If it had been an isolated incident," Bobby started, "maybe, but first the family, now this? I believe in a lot of things. Coincidence ain't one of them." Bobby looked at Sam. "You boys find anything around here?"
Sam shook his head. "No sulfur, nothing."
"Well," Dean started, "maybe something." He looked up at the camera in the corner of the room. Dean turned to look at Sam. "See, I'm working."
Sam, Dean, Jessica and Bobby were all in the surveillance room. The clip of the incident was showing. A man walked right up to the girl and touched her shoulder. She looked at the woman and the video paused.
"Must be our mystery man." Sam said.
It was late. Dean, Jessica and Bobby were waiting outside of a bar. Dean was talking about how stupid everything was when suddenly, Sam knocked on the window. Dean jumped and Sam opened the door. He was laughing.
"That's not funny." Dean said. Sam pushed the seat forward and climbed into the back.
"So, John Doe's name is Walter Rosen. He's from Oak Park, just west of Chicago. Went missing about a week ago."
"The night the devil's gate opened?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." Sam replied.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanfictionJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...