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"You're what?!" Both Jessica and Dean said in unison.

Sam smiled and opened his mouth to say something but stopped at the sound of the piano being played.

The doors opened and a woman in a beautiful white dress and veil began to walk down the aisle.

Sam kept the smile on his face as he watched this woman walk closer towards him. Dean and Jessica both stared at the woman in shock.

The woman stopped in front of Sam and lifted her veil. A large smile formed across her lips.

"Becky?" Dean breathed.


Jessica and Dean had watched as Sam and Becky got married. Now the two were sitting down holding each other's hands.

"Who's Becky?" Jessica asked as she eyed the woman.

"Some crazy bitch." Dean muttered as he made his way over to his brother.

"Hey." Sam smiled up at Dean.

"Really Sam?" Dean was looking between the two. He was conflicted and pacing back and forth. "Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something?"

Sam looked at Dean a cocked a brow. "You want her to ask for my hand?"

Dean stepped closer to the two. "How in the—" he sighed angrily. "How did this happen?"

Sam smiled. "Short version? We met. We ate and—and talked and fell in love."

Jessica watched as Becky looked up at Dean and smiled.

"Something isn't right here." Jessica eyed the girl.

"And here we are." Sam finished.

Dean scoffed. "Yeah, I guess I'm all caught up." He ran a hand through his hair. "Okay, you know what? Ignoring everything... have you forgotten the average lifespan of your hook ups?"

"Yeah but—"

Becky cut Sam off.

"But if anyone knows that, it's me."

Jessica didn't like this girl. She seemed suspicious. And wildly horny for Sam. The way she moved as he touched his hand to hers. Their rings shining in the light.

Jessica was jealous. Not at what they had, but what they were doing. They had gotten married. And Jessica hadn't.

Becky continued. A smile plastered to her face.

"I mean, I read every book. So, open eyes, you know?"

"I'm gonna be sick." Dean licked his lips and pressed them into a hard line.

"Dean, look, it's simple." Sam started. "If something good's happening, I-I got to jump on it— now, today, period."

Dean was nodding his head. Then he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Okay, 'Dead Poets Society'. Fine. No offense," Dean looked at Becky. "Did you even make sure she's even really—"

"Salt, holy water, everything." Becky replied with a smile still on her face. "See, not a monster." Becky held out her arm and showed off a small cut. "Just the right girl for your brother."

"Ah." Dean said sarcastically.

"That's it." Becky replied.

Suddenly, a man that looked like the owner of the chapel came towards the group. "The bill."

Sam went to reach for it but stopped once Becky took it out of the owners hands.

"I got it." She grabbed her wallet and took one last look at Sam. "You two do your brother thing." Then Becky got up and left. Jessica followed her. The last thing she heard was Dean yelling "REALLY?!"

Jessica caught up to Becky just as she finished paying.

"There you go." The owner returned her card and Becky turned around. Shocked to see Jessica standing in front of her.

"Oh my god." Becky said excitedly. "You're the Jessica Wilson!"

"Yeah, so?" Jessica scoffed. It's not like she had a story written about her or something.

"I've read so much about you!" Becky smiled that stupid smile of hers.

"I'm sorry, you read about me? Like in a newspaper or something?"

Becky laughed. "No silly, in those books Chuck wrote about the Winchester's. You know Supernatural."

Jessica scoffed. "I'm in those books?"

"Of course you are! It's amazing what Chuck can write about you."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jessica asked. For some reason, She didn't like the fact that someone had put her whole entire life's story into a book that everyone had access too.

"It's all good things. Well, mostly. I know about the angles blood and how you're half angel. The 'demon' inside your head named Melissa. How John Winchester took you under his wing. How you lost a lot of important people in your life. How—"

Anger bubbled up inside Jessica. Her hands clenched into fists. "If I were you, I wouldn't go any further."

Becky gulped.

Sam had walked up behind Becky. "I think we should start heading for your place."

"Good idea." Becky said as she kept her eyes on Jessica. Then, she walked out of the chapel with Sam.

Dean walked up to Jessica and sighed.

"Something doesn't seem right about this."

"I agree." Jessica crossed her arms over her chest. "We should call Bobby."

"Agreed." Dean got out his phone and dialed the man's number. The two began to walk out of the chapel and headed for their car. "Bobby, hey I know you're beard-deep in that Oregon nest. Jess and I are headed to Delaware to do a little snoop around. Sam is there with his wife. That's right. You heard me. His wife. Call me." Dean hung up the phone and got into the car.

"Well," Jessica sighed as she buckled herself in. "This has been one hell of a trip."

Dean scoffed. "You're telling me."

Jessica stretched a bit. "So, we're really going to follow Sam?"

Dean nodded his head. "Absolutely." He put the car into drive and took off down the road.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]Where stories live. Discover now