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"Bobby." Dean looked at the man who laid on the floor. "Jess!" Jessica didn't move. Dean looked back at Bobby and called his name again. "Bobby."

"Ughh." Bobby slowly sat up and looked at the man standing in front of him. Then, his eyes slowly traveled towards Jessica's unmoving form.

Castiel moved his head to the side and Dean could see black veins crawl across his neck all the way up to his forehead. Then they disappeared.

"You're vessel can't take it." Dean started. "It looks like it's about to explode. Doing anything extra may set it off."

Castiel's head slowly moved towards Dean. Black liquid started to drip down his face. It was almost as if it were black ink coming from a broken pen.

"We'll be back." Castiel's body shifted towards the exit. With each step the man took, he groaned.

Once Castiel disappeared Dean got up from the floor and helped Bobby stand.

"I can do it myself." Bobby hissed in pain. "Go help Jessica."

Dean looked at the girl on the floor and saw that she was still unconscious.

"Jess." Dean grabbed the girl in his arms and shook her. "Jessica, wake up."

Blood began to drip from the girls nose as Dean continued to shake her awake. Once he saw this he stopped.

"Jessica, you better not be dying on me."

The girl still did not answer.

"Jess..." Dean felt tears prick his eyes. He moved his hand towards the girls neck and felt for a pulse. He felt a tiny blip against his fingers.

"She's okay, but her pulse is low." Dean moved some of Jessica's hair away from her face. "Go find Sam, I'll stay here with her."

Bobby nodded his head and went into the hallway.

Dean wouldn't take his eyes off of Jessica now. He felt horrible for all of the fights they had. It usually started with him coming home with Sam. Jessica would be on Bobby's couch waiting for them with her arms crossed over her chest. She would always ask the question "where have you two been?" And Dean would reply, "on a hunt." This was always true except for one night. And he knew Jessica could see right through his lie. But he didn't want to tell her where he had been. He wanted to keep it a secret until the right moment. The only people who knew about this was his brother and Bobby. Dean would ask her at the right moment, or whenever he got a moment to ask.

"Ow." Jessica's eyes slowly opened and her hand went towards her face. "That jerk broke my nose."

Dean smiled down at Jessica and chuckled a bit. "He hasn't gotten far, we can still catch him."

"Dean." Bobby's voice echoed down the hallway.

"Can you stand?" Dean asked Jessica.

"Of course I can stand. I haven't lost my legs." Jessica slowly but surely stood up on her own. Dean had a wide grin on his face.

"Glad to see that you're still the same."

Jessica chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Go, Bobby needs you."

Dean nodded his head and left the room. A few minutes later he came back with Sam. Though the man had a hint of fear in his eyes.

"You okay Sam?" Jessica asked.

"Yeah." Sam lied.

"Come on, let's go after Cas before he gets too far." Dean led everyone outside. The group then came to a local river. Castiel was far into the water already.

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