"Who are you guys? And what the hell was that thing?!"
All four had gone into Ava's dorm room. The poor girl had a blanket wrapped around her arms and a cup of coffee in her hands. She was still shaken up from the incident.
Sam sighed. "Look, we're not real FBI agents. We're hunters."
"Like animal hunters?" Ava asked.
"More like hunters of the supernatural." Dean replied. "Ghosts, demons, sirens, you name it. We basically kill 'boogeymen'."
Ava stared down at her cup of coffee. "I don't believe this." She placed the cup down on a table. "I knew there was something wrong here."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
"There was this girl that went missing weeks back. Her death was to remain a secret." Ava sighed. "Her family was rich and apparently the girl was into some drugs. But anyway, she was found dead near our campus. We all came outside to see her being wielded away. But I got a good look at her."
"What did you see?" Sam asked.
"I saw a bunch of cuts on her body. You couldn't see her chest but there was a lot of blood that hung to the sheet that covered her." Ava sighed. "I knew it wasn't a bear attack. It just couldn't have been."
"Well, whoever is after you, or after these kids on campus, they won't stop until we stop them."
"Then I'm in." Ava looked up at the three.
"No, you're staying put." Dean said. "We're not going to have anymore casualties."
"Look. I-I have something" Ava got up from her seat and walked over to a box near her bed. She reached inside and pulled out a book that had a star on the front of it. "My aunt must've given this to me a very long time ago. But, I think it's something that fits into your 'supernatural' category."
Sam took the book and inspected it. "It's a spell book."
"She's a witch?" Dean looked at Ava.
"Well, I've never touched that book in my life. But I always felt like it was calling me to it. Like it wanted me to open it and read the words inside."
"It's a good thing you haven't touched this yet." Sam gave the book back to Ava. "Learning spells could drain you."
"Game plan guys." Jessica snapped everyone back to reality. "What do we do to get that werewolf back here?"
"I don't suggest we use Ava as bait." Sam said.
"That could be dangerous." Jessica started. "Also we would be putting her life at risk."
Dean scratched his head. "I suggest that we just wait another day. If it knows what you are, Jess, it'll come back for you."
Jessica sighed. "Yay."
"Get some sleep, and we'll talk about it tomorrow morning."
Jessica walked towards Dean and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.
Dean returned the kiss with a smile on his face. "Goodnight."
Once the boys had left Ava was staring at Jessica.
"You two really do make a perfect pair."
Jessica smiled. "I know."
Ava chuckled. Then she cleared her throat and ran her fingers through her hair.
"So, is Sam, is he..." Ava's cheeks were slightly becoming red.
"Does Avaline have a crush on Sam?" Jessica wiggled her eyebrows at the girl.
Ava had a wide smile on her lips. "You cannot tell him."
Jessica moved her hand across her lips as if she were zipping them shut. "Your secret is safe with me. Besides, I think he may like you too."
Ava's eyes slightly widened. "Really?"
"Yeah, I've seen the way he's been looking at you."
Ava giggled. "Seriously?"
Jessica nodded her head.
"How long have you guys been doing this type of hunting?"
Jessica sighed. "About seven years."
"Yeah, it's been rough, but we always pull through."
"I can't imagine what you've been through." Ava said.
"You don't want to." Jessica thought.
"You should get some sleep. I'm gonna be up for a bit." Jessica stretched.
"Yeah, tomorrow may be a long day." Ava walked over to her bed and plopped down. "Goodnight Jessica."
"Goodnight Ava." Jessica watched as the girl closed her eyes and fell asleep.
Once Jessica knew Ava wasn't going to wake up, she took out her angel blade and inspected it.
"How did you appear in my hand?" Jessica had her pointer finger on the tip of the blade. A slight, sharp pain ran through her pointer finger. Jessica pulled her finger away and saw a small dot of blood.
"Hmm." Jessica hummed as she wiped the blood away. She still couldn't help but think back to those images that had flashed in front of her eyes. They were scaring her but Jessica knew she didn't have to fear them anymore. But why were they bothering her so much? It just didn't make any sense to her.
As Jessica kept thinking about the images, she could slowly feel her eyes begin to shut. When she fell asleep, she wasn't expecting to have nightmares.

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanfictionJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...