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Jessica had a cup of coffee in her hands. She watched as Dean came back into the room and walked right towards the coffee, vending machine.

Dean then took out his cup of coffee and walked towards Sam and Jessica.

"What did that guy want?" Sam asked his brother.

"Uh, nothing. Just some insurance mook." Dean sighed angrily. "Dick Roman was out there."

"What?" Jessica and Sam said in unison.

"What happened?" Sam said.

"Nothing..." Dean replied. "For now. It was just a friggin' staring contest. That was about it." He was looking towards Bobby's room now. "What's the update?"

Sam cleared his throat. "The swelling's down a little. They took him off sedation. Apparently, he-he started fighting his tube. So they pulled him out, and he's breathing on his own."

"That's good right?" Dean had hope in his eyes. "Is that good?"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah, well, Doctor said best case scenario."

"All right, so when they gonna take the bullet out?"

Sam sighed. "Dean, t-they're not even-they're not even gonna try that, not yet."

"What does that mean?" Dean asked.

"The word's 'abrading' I think."


"Cutting out the dead brain tissue."

Jessica shook her head slowly.

Sam continued. "That's if the doctor even thinks it's worth the risk." His eyes traveled over towards Jessica. "Jess, can I talk to my brother alone for a second?"

Jessica nodded her head. "Sure." Then she walked over to a chair and sat down.

Jessica closed her hands together and shut her eyes. She had never really prayed before. But now, she thought it was the best time to do so.

"Please, let Bobby be okay. I'm begging you, please!" Jessica sniffed and opened her eyes. When she looked up, the nurse had walked into the room.

"What's happening?" Jessica quickly stood up and walked over towards Sam and Dean.

"He's showing signs of responsiveness. We're taking him up to surgery. If you want to see him, I'd squeeze in there quick."

All three hunters walked quickly to Bobby's room. Sam and Dean were on the right side of the bed while Jessica was on the left. Her hand wrapped around Bobby's. She gave it a light squeeze.

"Please wake up." Jessica rubbed her thumb across the man's knuckles.

"I'm sorry," the nurse had walked in. "But we need to get moving."

"Right, yeah." Sam sighed sadly. He grabbed Bobby's hand and held it in his own. "Bobby, um...just...thanks...for everything." Sam set Bobby's hand down and stepped back.

Jessica still kept Bobby's hand in hers. She didn't want to leave him.

"Alright, please step back." The nurse asked. Jessica refused.

Dean looked up at Jessica and walked over to her. "Hey, they need to operate." He said calmly.

Jessica could feel tears in her eyes. "I can't..." Her hands shook in Bobby's.

Just before Dean began to pull Jessica away, Bobby had woken up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, stop. His eyes are open." Sam said.

"Bobby." Jessica looked at him with a small smile.

"Hey." Sam smiled as well.

Bobby pulled off his oxygen mask and opened his mouth to speak. But Dean stopped him from doing so.

"Don't talk, don't talk." Dean looked around the room for something to write with. "A pen—I—" His eyes landed on a sharpie and he grabbed it and handed it to Bobby. "Here, here, here, here."

Bobby took the marker and wrote a few numbers on Sam's hand.

"Bobby..." Jessica felt a light squeeze on her hand. Tears began to make their way down her face.

Bobby opened his mouth. all three hunters moved in closer to see what he was going to say.

A small smile made its way onto the man's face.

"Idjits." Bobby breathed. The smile never left his face.

Jessica let out a sob as she watched Bobby lay his head back down onto the bed. The machine next to him went flat.

"Bobby..." Jessica sobbed. "Bobby!"

Doctors and nurses ran into Bobby's room and pushed the hunters out. But Jessica wanted back in.

"No!" Jessica sobbed. "Not Bobby! PLEASE!"

Dean wrapped his arms around Jessica and kept her close to his chest. His heart was shattered at this point. Tears of his own fell down his face.

"Not Bobby!" Jessica pounded Dean's chest. "Please..."

Dean watched as the doctors tried to revive Bobby, but it was no use. The man was dead.

"Let's go outside." Dean led Jessica out of the hospital. The girls cries echoed off of the walls.

Jessica's first father figure was John. He helped take care of her. He even helped take care of Charlie. Ellen, now she was like a mom to Jessica. And Jo was like her sister. But they were gone too. And now, Bobby was the last father figure Jessica ever had. And she just lost him.

Now, Jessica only had Sam and Dean. The last two people she ever knew.

"I want revenge." Jessica wiped her eyes. "I want Dick to pay for what he did."

Dean rubbed her back. "I know, but we can't go after him now. We don't have the weapons."

Jessica looked at Dean. "I don't care anymore. I don't. I really don't. If I die, so be it. I just want him to pay for what he did to us."

Dean pulled Jessica close to his chest. "We'll get through this. I promise. We'll have our revenge. Just not right now."

Jessica sighed and leaned her head on Dean's shoulder.

"Could life possibly get any worse?" Jessica thought. The girl was tired of fighting. She had lost so many people. She just wanted it all to end. Jessica wanted to be done. But she knew that she had to keep fighting. She just had to.

"We'll do this together, okay?" Dean asked. "For Bobby."

Jessica nodded her head. "For Bobby."

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