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Jessica had fallen asleep. She couldn't see anything, but she could hear a low, menacing growl. She could hear claws scrape against the ground. Then, she heard a scream. It sounded like a man's voice.

Jessica flinched as she heard the tires of the car screech to a halt. She sighed as she realized it was just a dream.

"Where are we?" Jessica asked Dean.

Dean had put the car in park and looked over at Jessica. "We're back at Ellen's bar." Dean looked out and sighed. Something was wrong.

"Holy shit!" Jessica scrambled out of the Impala and looked at the bar. It was in ashes. "What happened?!"

"Oh my god." Bobby had gotten out of his truck. The three walked towards the wreckage and looked through the damage.

"Anyone see Ellen?" Dean asked.

"No." Bobby replied.

"No Ash either." Jessica said. She bent down and saw a silver wrist watch on an arm. "Damn it, Ash." Jessica sighed. She was feeling sick. All three of them began to walk back to their cars.

"How are we gonna know what Ash knew?" Dean asked. "We have no way of finding Sammy now."

Jessica looked confused. She must have missed some information while she was asleep.

Dean grunted in pain. He held his head in his hands. "No."

"Dean?" Both Bobby and Jessica said in unison.

Dean looked like he was going to throw up. He kept grunting in pain.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Jessica had walked up to him and touched his shoulder.

Dean shook his head and sighed. "I'm alright." Dean said. "Just a headache, maybe it's from all the stress."

"You get headaches like that a lot?" Bobby asked.

"No." Dean replied. "I swore I saw something."

"Like what, a vision?" Bobby asked.

"I'm not some physic like Sam." Dean said. Then he grunted again. He fell onto the hood of the Impala. Jessica held onto him.

"You with us?" Bobby asked Dean.

"Yeah, it was a vision Bobby. I saw Sam."

"What did you see?" Bobby asked.

"A bell, with some engraving on it." Dean said.

"An engraving?" Bobby looked at Jessica. "Like of an oak tree?"

"Yeah." Dean replied.

"I know where Sam is." Bobby said. "He's in cold Oak, South Dakota."


Dean had his foot on the gas. Jessica's heart was beating fast. She was worried about Sam. Would they get there in time to save him?

"We're almost there." Dean said.

"He'll be alright, Dean." Jessica said. She noticed how tight he was gripping the steering wheel. "Remember, Sam's smart."

Dean nodded his head. Then he hit the brakes. "Looks like we're walking the rest of the way." Dean said. The two got out of the car and went towards the trunk. They grabbed their guns and some holy water and locked up the car. Bobby followed them.

It took the group a few minutes to see a figure standing over another man. It was Sam.

"Sam!" Dean shouted. Him and Jessica walked faster.

"Dean!" Sam smiled. He was holding his right shoulder.

Jessica smiled then lost it. Behind Sam, the man in the military uniform had gotten up and ran towards him.

"Sammy, behind you!" Both Dean and Jessica yelled in unison. The man had stabbed Sam in the back and took off. "NO!" Dean ran for his brother with Jessica by his side. Bobby ran after the soldier. A few shots were fired, but none of them hit him.

"Sam, Sammy." Dean held his brother as he fell to the ground. Jessica knelt beside them. Tears fell down her cheeks.

"Whoa, Sam, Sam." Dean clutched onto his brother's jacket.

Sams eyes were wide. He gasped for air. He was going to die.

"Hey, come here." Dean pulled his brother closer. "Let me look at you." Dean looked at his brother's back. He pressed his hand to the wound and sighed with a shaky breath. "Hey, look at me. It's not even that bad." Dean had pulled Sam off of his chest and was now looking at him. "It's not even that bad, alright? Sammy?" Sam looked like he was drunk. But in reality, he was dying by blood loss and a stab wound. "Sam!" Dean slightly shook his brother. Jessica let out a small sob.

"Come on Sammy." Jessica gave a weak smile. "We're gonna fix you up, alright. Make you good as new. Just, keep your eyes open. Just, keep them open."

"Hey, listen to me," Dean started. "We're gonna patch you up, okay? You'll be good as new, just like Jess said. Huh?" Sam wobbled around in Dean's grip. "I'm gonna take care of you. I got to. That's my job right?" Dean looked into his brother's eyes. He wanted a response. "Watch out for my pain-in-the-ass little brother. Sam? Sam." Dean moved some hair out of Sam's face.

Jessica wiped her eyes. "Come on, Sammy, just stay awake."

Dean placed his hands on his brother's cheeks. "Sam. Sammy!" Sam was no longer breathing. "No. No, no, no, no." Deans voice was breaking. Tears fell down his face. "Oh, god." Dean hugged his brother and let his tears fall. "Oh, god." Dean could hear Jessica sobbing. This broke his heart even more. She didn't need this. Jessica didn't need to lose anyone else. "SAM!" Dean yelled. He placed his head into Sam's shoulder and cried. He promised he'd take care of his little brother. Now he just broke that promise.

"Sammy." Jessica sobbed. "Oh, my god, Sammy."

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