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Jessica was running through the bunkers halls. The once bright lights were now pulsing red. A loud blaring sound echoed into the woman's ears as she ran.

"GAHH!" Sam's shouts echoed off of the walls. This sent Jessica running faster.

"Dean! Stop!" Castiel shouted. "This isn't yo—" he was cut off and cried out in agony.

Jessica ran into the war room and panted. Suddenly, the red lights went back to their normal white color.

"Crap." Jessica muttered. She exited the war room and ran into another set of hallways.

Just as Jessica passed her room, her neck was grabbed and her back slammed into the cement wall.

"Hiya Jess." Dean smiled at the girl. His eyes flashed black.

Jessica pulled out her angel blade and went to strike, but Dean used his free hand and slammed her weapon out of her grasp.

"Tsk tsk." Dean shook his head. "Jessica, I knew you liked it rough, but I never knew you liked it that rough."

"You're not you, Dean." Jessica choked out. "Sam, Cas and I, we-we can h-help you."

Dean kept his hand on Jessica's neck as he bent down to pick up her angel blade. He looked it over with a smile on his face.

"Personally, I like the disease." Dean's eyes returned back to their normal green color.

Jessica's hands went up to pry Dean's hand off of her neck as it tightened.

"You don't h-have t-to do this. If you do, You'll re-regret it."

Dean chuckled. "Sweetheart, I know I don't have to do this. I want to do this."

Jessica's eyes widened as she felt her very own angel blade go through her chest and land in her heart. Then, she felt herself slip away.

Deans face lit up just as Jessica's body lit up. Then, he dropped his wife's body and walked away.


Jessica shot up in bed and panted. Her hair stuck to her forehead and her hands bunched up the motel sheets.

It was still dark outside. Jessica looked over at the alarm clock next to her and saw that it was only 3:46 a.m. She turned to her left and saw that the spot next to her was empty.

"Dean?" Jessica called out. She slowly stood up and hugged her arms to her chest.

Once she called his name, the man opened the bathroom door and stepped out. He looked at his wife with confusion.

"Jess? Why—why are you up?"

"I..." Jessica felt a few tears slip down her face. She quickly wiped them away.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dean walked forward and reached out to touch her shoulder, but Jessica backed up.


"I-I'm sorry." Jessica sat down on the bed. Dean sat down next to her. "I had a nightmare."


Jessica looked up at her husband. "You."

"Me?" Dean shook his head. "What, did I cheat on you or something?"

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