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Jessica tossed and turned in her bed. The spot next to her was empty and cold.

"Golden spear..." The woman muttered as her eyes were tightly closed. "The one... golden spear... rid all evil within..." Jessica's hands bunched up the sheets.

Dean had walked passed their room and stopped once he heard the woman's voice.

"Jess?" He walked into the room and watched as the woman tossed and turned. A few low grunts escaped her lips.

"Spear..." Jessica's eyes tightened. "The evil..." The woman paused for a minute. Then, she went back to mumbling.

"Spear...evil...the one...death!" A few tears fell down Jessica's cheeks.

"Hey," Dean walked over towards Jessica and reached down to touch her arm. "Jessica, wake up. You're dreaming."

Once Dean touched her arm, the woman shot up and held her angel blade to his throat.

"Whoa, okay." Dean held up his hands slowly. "It's just me."

Jessica breathed heavily and slowly lowered her blade.


Dean cleared his throat. "Jess, what was that all about?"

Jessica shook her head. "I-I don't know. I saw a golden spear, a woman in golden light, and darkness. That represented the evil in this world." She sighed. "It was almost as if I was seeing a prophecy. But, who is this woman and what is the golden spear?" Jessica was now talking to herself rather than talking to Dean.

"Sweetheart," Dean placed a hand over her own. "You've been having a lot of dreams like this lately. Maybe they really are just dreams now."

"The last dream I had like this I saw Bobby get shot." Jessica quickly took her hand out from underneath Deans. "I'll be back, call me if you need anything."

"No, Jessica wai—" But she had already disappeared.

Dean sighed.

"I hate it when she does that."


Jessica landed right outside her old home. The place barely standing up.

Jessica walked closer and saw that her old home had been rebuilt. When this exactly happened, Jessica did not know.

Now, the house was old and falling apart.


Jessica cringed as she heard her own screams. She didn't like coming back and reliving the past. But this was her home. She felt connected to it.

"You live here once too?" A voice came from behind the girl.

Jessica turned around and saw a tall man with brown hair standing a few feet away. He looked familiar.

"Do I know you?"

The man shook his head. "No."

Suddenly something clicked inside Jessica's brain.

"Wait a second, I do." She walked closer towards the man. "You were the one at my wedding. Are you—are you following me?"

The man chuckled. "No, I'm not following you. And yes, I was at your wedding. But that was only because I owned that chapel. I wanted to see how business was doing."

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