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Jessica watched as Sam came shuffling back into the library. A small glass of Bourbon rested in his hand as he sat down across from Jessica.

"Did it work?" She asked.

Sam sighed heavily and shook his head.

"Crowley's ghosting me."

Jessica reached across the table and grabbed Sam's hand in hers.

"It's going to be okay. We'll figure something out." She grabbed the glass of bourbon Sam had set down on the table.

"In the mean time, why don't I make us some tea. You really shouldn't be drinking this stuff at a time like this."

Sam looked at Jessica confused and watched as she walked out of the library.


Jessica had two coffee cups on a tray. She began making the last cup of tea. As soon as she took the metal spoon out of the cup, she dropped it on the floor.

Jessica knelt down and grabbed the spoon with shaky hands. As she set it down on the tray, she began to break out in tears.

It wasn't fair. Nothing ever was.

"It shouldn't have been Dean. It should've been me!" Jessica looked up at the ceiling. "Why him? This isn't fair!"

Jessica sobbed silently for a few minutes until she composed herself. Once she was done crying she picked up the tray and left the kitchen.

Jessica passed by all of the empty rooms.

Wait... the rooms were empty?!

Jessica quickly backed up to Deans room and stood there in shock. The tray slipped out of her hands and the cups shattered on the floor. The tea spilling everywhere.

Dean's body was no longer on the bed.



Two months later...

Jessica had been waiting to hear back from Sam. He had been gone for at least three hours and wasn't answering any of her calls of texts.

"Come on, just answer, please!"

Jessica was getting worried about him.

The two hunters had been looking for Dean non stop for two months.

Sam had run into a man named Cole. He too was looking for Dean. But he wanted to kill Dean rather than save him. (Apparently it was on the subject of revenge.)

So, Jessica had gotten Sam out of that situation and they continued to look for Dean.

Just last week, the two had run into Dean and tried to get him to come back to the bunker. Surprisingly, the man had put up a fight with them. And that's when they found out that Dean wasn't normal.

He was a demon.

So now, Sam and Jessica were looking for him, again. They needed to get him cured. They needed Dean back.

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