It had been four weeks. The group had fought killer clowns, demons, the dead. The whole shebang. Now, Dean was pulling the Impala towards a diner.
Dean had gotten out his wallet and some cash and gave it to Sam. "Now remember, extra onions."
Sam sighed. "Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to deal with your extra onions!"
"Not really." Jessica said. She smiled.
"Oh, and see if they got pie!" Dean asked as Sam closed the door. He walked towards the diner.
"You and pie." Jessica laughed. "You're going to die by pie, Dean."
"Love me some pie." Dean said.
Jessica laughed again.
"So—" Dean started But was cut off by the static of his radio.
"Dean," Jessica was looking towards the diner. "Where's Sam?"
Dean looked towards the diner. No one was in there. "Son of a bitch." Jessica and Dean quickly got out of the car and ran towards the diner. When they got inside, Jessica gagged.
"What is that sme—" Jessica stopped as she saw the source of the horrid stench. A man had his head on the table, a large pool of blood trickled from his neck and dripped down the side of the table.
Dean got out his gun. So did Jessica. The two walked towards the back. The two chefs were dead. Their throats slit as well.
"Sam!" Dean shouted as he stepped outside a bit. When he closed the back door, he lifted his hand.
"Sulfur." Both Dean and Jessica said in unison. The two ran back outside towards the Impala. Dean called out for his brother again.
"Sammy! Sam!" There was no answer.
"Dean, I know someone who can help us." Jessica said as an idea popped into her head.
"Who?" Dean asked.
Dean, Jessica and Bobby were outside on the side of the road. They were looking at a map.
"Sam's gonna be fine, right?" Jessica asked Dean.
"Yeah. Yeah, he's smart, he'll find a way to reach us."
They were on the road again. Dean and Jessica in his car, Bobby following behind them.
"So," Dean started. "Who's This Charlie kid you keep talking about in your sleep."
Jessica stiffened. Of course they had heard her talk in her sleep, it wouldn't have been the first time.
"It's no one." Jessica looked out the window.
"Is he an ex boyfriend or something?" Dean kept pressing.
Jessica looked at him. "No, it's none of your business."
"Come on.." Dean had a small smile on his lips.
"It can't be that bad." Dean said. Jessica was silent. "Oh, it's-it's that bad."
"He wasn't my boyfriend." Jessica said as she picked at her nails. "He was my friend's son, Rachel. She was killed by that yellow eyed demon. He gave him those demon powers. But he never used them." Jessica smiled. "He was a really sweet kid. I looked after him and he looked after me once he got older." Jessica's smile dropped. "One night, I was asleep. This awful smell of smoke came up the stairs and into my room. I woke with a start and jumped out of bed. I heard him screaming my name and pounding on his door. He-he couldn't get out." Jessica noticed she had tears rolling down her cheeks. So, she wiped them away. "I couldn't get the door open. Told Charlie to open it from his side and that's when I heard that demon speak. He said Charlie deserved to be thrown away. I cried out to him and before I could get the door open, your father had pulled me out of the house. I watched it go up in flames." Jessica sniffed.
"I-I didn't mean to press," Dean said quietly. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," Jessica gave him a smile. "I know that in the end, I'll see that demon lying on the ground, dead."
"You and me both." Dean said. "You and me both."

Sunlight ¥ Dean Winchester [1]
FanficJessica Wilson, just a normal twenty five year old. Well, she was trying to be normal. But, she knew she was far from it. The thing that killed her friend Rachel, made Jessica insane at first. She was pissed that it took her friend. Jessica promised...