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Lebanon, Kansas.

Dean parked the impala outside of the bunker's entrance.

"When's the last time somebody was in this place?" Dean asked.

"Sixty five, seventy years ago." Sam replied.

Dean opened the box and took out a key. Then the three headed towards the door.

"Here goes nothing." Dean said as he put the key in the lock and twisted it. The door swung open and the three hunters pulled out flashlights.

"Woah." Jessica breathed as she moved her flashlight around the room.

"Son of a bitch." Dean muttered in awe.

"Look at this." Sam pointed his flashlight at some old gadgets. "Ham radio, telegraph, switchboard. This was their nerve center."

"Henry did say that they ran dispatch on their own team of hunters." Dean said. He began to walk the other way around the balcony and came upon a game of chess.

"Wow, halfway through their coffee and a game of chess—looks like whoever was manning the hub left quick."

"On the alarm call that ended the men of letters." Sam whispered.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on. Dean was standing next to two large switches.

Everyone turned off their flashlights.

Dean turned the other switch up and looked at what his brother was looking at.

"Son of a bitch." Sam breathed. Dean and Jessica came running down the stairs.

"Whoa." Jessica looked around the room of books and old artifacts.

"Guys, I think we found the bat cave." Dean looked around the room in pure amazement.

"Yeah." Jessica chuckled. Could it get any better than this?


The next day.

"Morning." Dean walked happily into the library wearing a robe and some slippers.

"Morning." Sam replied. "Jess still asleep?"

Dean nodded his head. "Yeah, she slept like a rock last night. Once Jess hit the pillows she was out."

Sam chuckled. "That sounds like her."

"Anyways..." Dean walked over towards the piles of paper Sam was looking at. "Little brother, let's not go all geek on this stuff, okay?"

"Geek?" Sam scoffed and walked back towards the table.

Dean's eyes caught sight of a sword on a mantle. He walked over towards it.

"Yeah. I mean, don't—don't get me wrong." He picked up the sword and chuckled. "This stuff is awesome, and it looks like they ran a real tight outfit here, but I'm just saying, you know, don't uh, don't think that they knew some big secrets that we don't know."

Dean slowly swung the sword as if he were testing it out. Then, he opened his mouth as if he was about to scream a war cry and swung the sword. He stopped once Sam turned around.

"Dean... they were a secret society."

"Which means that they made crap up and wore fezzes and sashes and swung around Scimitars. They probably didn't even sharp—" Dean held the sword up to his face and touched his pointed finger to the blade. He took it back and gave a flat look.

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