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Jessica pulled up to a familiar house. As soon as she parked her bike, memories came flooding back to her.


Jessica sat beside John in his old chevy truck. It wasn't his Impala, but it would have to do.

"I don't see why you're taking me on this case." Jessica said as she crossed her arms. "I'm eighteen, I'm pretty sure I should be back with uncle Bobby or aunt Ellen and be in school."

John sighed. "Look, if you want to catch this demon with me, you need to keep practicing on your hunting skills."

Jessica huffed. "Fine. But after this, I want to go back to school. I made some friends there."

John got out of the truck and walked towards the front door. "Yeah. Well you might have to start making new ones." He muttered.


Jessica stood in front of the door and knocked. She could hear the thudding of feet as they came to the front door.

"Jessica?" The woman asked.

"Yes. You must be Daphne."

The woman nodded her head.

"Please, come in."

Jessica stepped into the familiar house and looked around. Not much had changed since the last time she was here with John.

"Where is your father?" Daphne asked as she walked into the kitchen. Her five year old son came running into the room.

This woman had no idea that John wasn't Jessica's father. Yet, in a way, Jessica felt as if he was.

Jessica sighed sadly. "He passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. If you don't mind me asking, how did he pass?"

Jessica closed her eyes and went back to the day John died. She remembered him saying goodbye, kissing her forehead and telling her that he loved her. Jessica was completely confused. She had no idea what John meant by all of this and it had scared her. Next thing she heard was a loud thump and Sam shouting for help. Then, she watched as John died in another room.

Jessica cleared her throat and quickly wiped at her eyes so that Daphne couldn't see her tears.

"Heart attack."

Daphne nodded her head.

"So, my mother told me a few stories about your visit here." Daphne grabbed a cup from the side of the sink and poured some coffee into it. Then she handed it to Jessica. "She told me that you and your father 'rescued' her from something called a fire Imp. I always thought she was insane when she told me this story."

"Well, in my line of work, I kind of deal with crazy." Jessica lightly chuckled.

Daphne looked down at her son and picked him up in her arms.

"This must be Jacob." Jessica held out her hand for the little boy to shake.

"Mm." Jacob hid his face in his mother's shoulder. Daphne laughed at this.

"He's a little shy."

"I can see that." Jessica smiled.

"Do you have any kids?" Daphne asked.

Jessica's cheeks heated up. "Oh, um, no." She cleared her throat.

Daphne nodded her head and set her son down.

"Oh, here, let me show you where I saw that creature." Daphne led Jessica into a guest bedroom. The closet was charred and broken.

"My god." Jessica breathed as she looked at the damaged closet.

"My son was playing in here when it suddenly caught fire. I quickly ran in and picked him up. I called the fire department and it seemed to only stay in the closet. When they left, I saw this..."

Daphne wiped her hand across the ash on the wall and reveled a message.

"I can do more than just burn." Jessica read aloud.

Daphne looked towards the woman. "You have to help us, it's just me and my son now. My husband left me years ago. I don't want anything to happen to my baby."

Jessica put a hand on the woman's shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm going to help you. I've booked a room at a motel just about twenty minutes away from here. I want you to pack up some clothes and some things for you and your son. You can't stay here, it's not safe. At least with you in my sight, I can protect you both."

Daphne nodded her head and quickly left the room to go pack.

Jessica stood staring at the closet in thought.

"I wonder how Dean is going to take all of this."


Dean slowly but surely started to wake up. He stretched out his arms and legs and noticed something was missing.

Dean carefully sat up and looked at the empty spot next to him. On top of Jessica's pillow was a note.

"Went to Columbia Missouri to help out a friend. Don't worry, I'll be just fine. Stay at the bunker and watch over your brother. I'll be back soon. I love you. -Jessica."

Dean mentally cursed and shook his head.

"Son of a bitch." He muttered.

Dean quickly got out of bed and began to get dressed. Then, he packed a bag and headed out of his room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Sam asked as he watched his brother walk past him.

"Jess left for a case. I'm gonna go stop her before she gets herself hurt. Or worse." Dean hated saying those last two words.

"I'm coming with you." Sam said as he quickly went into his room and grabbed a duffel bag.

"No, you're staying here. You look like you're about to pass out. I need you to take a break, alright?"

Sam scoffed. "We don't take breaks." He ran a hand through his messy hair. "Look, if you don't let me come, I'll just worry about you and Jessica. Which will only make my situation worse. So I'm coming whether you like it or not."

Sam walked by his brother and up the steps.

Dean sighed and shook his head. "Glad I got to ya, Sammy. No no, I'll be fine while you stay here and heal." He rolled his eyes as he climbed the stairs. "No one here apparently listens to me. I mean, when has anyone ever listened to me..."

Dean continued to rant until he left the bunker and the door slammed shut behind him.

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