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"So," Sam started. "Can you tell us a little bit about Hazel?"

Ava sighed. "She was a party person. Always wanted to go out and party." The girl began to pick at her nails. "She wasn't a bad person. I never had any friends here. But then I met Hazel and we became best friends instantly." Ava smiled. "I found out later that she was a trouble maker. Ditching classes, leaving campus when told not to. She even vandalized the Deans office one time."

"Did she have any enemies? Anybody that seemed to be harassing her?" Sam asked.

Ava shook her head. "I've never seen anyone push her around or anything. It was almost as if everyone here was afraid of her." Ava paused. "I did see this guy talk to her harshly one day. But Hazel didn't seemed fazed by it. She brushed past the guy and walked back to our dorm room."

"Okay, I'm gonna need a list of people that Hazel has talked to in the last day or two." Sam placed a silver pen and a pad paper in front of Ava.

"Alright." Ava grabbed the pen and began to jot down names.

Sam turned to his brother and shook his head. Ava wasn't a werewolf. Which was a good start. But now they had to deal with thousands of kids on campus. Or at least the ones that Hazel had talked to.

While Sam was talking to Ava, Dean was trying to convince Jessica to dress up like a college student so she could blend in.

"No!" Jessica looked offended. "I did that many moons ago, and I am not going to dress like a stripper."

Dean sighed. "First of all, you're doing this, whether you like it or not. And second, not all of these girls look like strippers."

Jessica gave Dean a flat look and huffed. "I'm only doing this once." She held up one finger. "This is the only time I'm dressing up."

"And that's fine." Dean turned around and grabbed a shopping bag full of clothes. "Here, just put on whatever fits."

Jessica grabbed the bag. "I don't like this one bit."

"You'll be fine." Dean watched as Jessica headed towards the building to go into a bathroom to change.

"Are you guys married?" Ava asked as she handed Sam the pad of paper and the pen.

"We will be, soon." Dean smiled.

"I like her." Ava nodded her head.

"Yeah, I do to." Dean watched as Jessica came out of the building and practically drooled over her.

Jessica had a dark green, shoulder-less crop top on with ripped up booty shorts. Her hair had been put into a messy bun. Strands of blond sticking out here and there. The smile on her face got wider as she watched Deans eyes slowly widen. When she got closer to him, Jessica nodded her head in approval at what she was wearing.

"You know what. This actually isn't that bad."

"Yeah," Ava spoke up. "She'll definitely fit right in."

Just then, the bell rang and Ava began to pack up her stuff.

"Um, here." Dean snapped himself out of his daze and handed Jessica a school bag. Then he also handed her a pair of ear buds. "These will help you hear us. They're like an ear piece, but-"

"They'll blend in." Jessica took the earbuds. "Thanks."

"Please be careful." Dean lightly grabbed ahold of Jessica's hand.

"Of course." Jessica winked at Dean and followed Ava into the school.

Dean turned to his brother. "My god, did you see what she was wearing?"

Sam chuckled. "Dean, you picked out her clothes, that's your fault."

Dean shook his head. "I can't believe I made my fiancé look like a hooker."

"I heard that." Jessica's voice rang through both of their earpieces. Sam laughed.


"Okay." Jessica clapped her hands. "So, what do we do?"

"We go to class." Ava replied. "Then once class is over we go back to our dorms."

"And that's it?" Jessica asked as she walked into a large room full of students.

"Well, there's homework, late night studying—"

"Parties too." A man came and stood next to Ava. "I'm sorry, I don't think we've met. I'm Eric Harvey." Eric held out his hand for Jessica to shake.

"Jamie Adams." Jessica shook the man's hand.

"If you need anything, I'm sitting in the third row." Eric pointed towards a group of guys that waved down to him.

"Thanks." Jessica gave a small smile.

"Eric!" One of his friends waved him over.

"Gotta go." Eric left the two girls and headed up to his friends.

"Is that the kid that set the lunchroom on fire?" Jessica asked as her and Ava took some seats in the first row.

Ava rolled her eyes. "Yeah, he's a trouble maker."

"Apparently all of the girls here like him." Jessica watched as every girl stared at Eric.

"Yeah," Ava sighed. "He's the 'hottie' around here. Wouldn't bother with it though. Every girl he's ever been with winds up dumping him."

"Huh." Jessica eyed Eric for a few seconds then turned her attention towards the front of the room. The professor had just walked in.

"Good morning class."

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Jessica face palmed.

"What?" Ava asked as she looked at Jessica. Her eyes then went towards the professor. "Oh."

Dean stood at the front of the class. He wore a nice button up shirt with a blue tie. On his face he had fake glasses.

"You're professor could not make it today so I will be subbing for him. My name is Mr. Dominic." Dean began to write his name on the whiteboard to the side. "Let's begin today's lesson."


After class was over, everyone began to file out of the room. Jessica and Ava stayed behind.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Jessica whisper shouted.

Dean smiled at the girl. "I'm happy to see you too." He grabbed a suitcase and began to walk away but Jessica stopped him.

"Dean, I thought I was going undercover. Not you."

"You are, but I'm merely here to keep a close eye on you." 

Jessica sighed. "Dean, sweetheart, I don't need someone watching over me. I can take care of myself."

"And I know that." Dean scratched his head. He opened his mouth to say something else but closed it.

"If you mess this up, we're all in trouble." Jessica moved her bag strap up on her shoulder and left Dean standing there speechless.

"I told you she wouldn't be happy with this." Sams voice came through Dean's earpiece.

"Shut up." Dean grumbled.

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