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After getting food and bringing it back to the house, Sam and Dean had stayed in the living room while Jessica sat outside for a bit.

She kept thinking back to the nightmare she had before Sam was supposedly killed. What was the strange growling sound? Where had it come from?

Jessica sighed and stood up. She brushed herself off and walked inside. Both Sam and Dean looked at her as she walked in.

"I miss anything?" Jessica asked as she walked towards the pizza box on the table. She grabbed herself a slice of cheese pizza and took a bite.

Dean shook his head before Sam could tell his story again.

Sam sighed. "I don't get it Dean," Sam looked at his brother. "If the demon only wanted one of us to live, how did Jake and I make it out alive?"

"Well, I mean, they left you for dead." Dean said. "I'm sure they thought it was over." Dean took another bite of his pizza. "Now that yellow eyes has Jake, what's he gonna do with him?"

"I don't know." Sam said. "But whatever it is, we gotta stop him."

"Just relax, alright? You need to get your rest." Dean said. "We got time."

"No, we don't." Sam said.

"Sam, oceans aren't boiling, okay? Frogs aren't raining from the sky. Let's get you your strength first."

Sam sighed again. "Did you call the Roadhouse? Do they know anything?"

"Yeah." Dean looked at Jessica then back at Sam. He scratched the back of his head.

"Dean, what is it?" Sam asked.

"The Roadhouse burned to the ground." Dean said. "Ash is dead. Probably Ellen. A lot of other hunters, too." Dean had sat down and took a swig of his drink.

"Demons?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, we think so." Dean replied. "We think because Ash found something."

"What'd he find?" Sam asked.

"We don't know." Jessica said. "Bobby's working on that right now."

Sam got up from his seat. "Well, come on, then. Bobby's only a few hours away."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop. Sam. Stop, damn it." Dean moved towards his brother. "You almost died in there. I mean, what would I have—" Dean shut his mouth. Sam was looking at him. "You just take care of yourself for a little bit, huh? Just for a little bit."

"I'm sorry, no." Sam replied.

Dean shook his head and said nothing. He grabbed his car keys and motioned for everyone outside. The group got into the car and headed towards Bobby's. Dean was a bit nervous.


Dean, Sam, and Jessica were outside of Bobby's house. Dean knocked on the door.

Bobby unlocked the door and opened it. He looked shocked when he saw Sam.

"Hey Bobby." Dean looked at the ground. "Hey, Bobby." Sam smiled at the man.

"Sam..." Bobby eyed the boy for a bit. "It's good to see you up and around."

"Yeah, well..." Sam walked forward. "Thanks for patching me up." He patted Bobby on the shoulder and walked into the house.

"Don't mention it." Bobby replied.

Dean walked forward and Bobby turned to him. "Well, Sam's better. And we're back in it now, so... what do you know?"

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